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Friday, June 15, 2018

City Councilwoman Wants City To Look Into Buying Heroin For Addicts

City council member Sally Bagshaw said she would like to learn more about how to provide "free" illegal drugs for users.

Seattle, WA –
Several Seattle City Council members have announced that they plan to move forward with multi-million dollar, taxpayer-funded proposal to purchase a massive recreation vehicle that would provide intravenous drug users with a space to shoot up.

One city council member said she would even like to look into the option of providing illegal drugs for users.



  1. I say NAY! It is a dumb move and only enables those who are hooked to continue on with their ways. It "might" cut down on crime due to junkies committing crimes in order to get drugs, but when they get caught, they can sober up in jail. Also, should the junkie take themselves off of the grassy side then so be it. It is tough to think in these ways but then again what are you supposed to do for those who don't want to help themselves come clean?

    Just my two-cents. Call me a heartless bastard if you want.

  2. My vehicle uses fuel. Wonder if some idiot politician would get the city to buy gas for me. Sad that the country is going downhill before our eyes. What kind of background do these nuts have before entering SOP world...spend of peoples money? It's everywhere...it's everywhere.

  3. One can only assume her own drug habit is getting to expensive & like most liberals she expects others to pay for it! Only someone strung-out on drugs would suggest such a idiotic thing!

  4. Seattle, those people are even crazier than the loonie tunes in San Francisco.

  5. OMG, I sure hope Sheriff Lewis doesn't read this article.Just saying.


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