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Thursday, June 21, 2018

Breaking News: Internet retailers can be required to collect sales taxes in states where they have no physical presence, the Supreme Court said

Brick-and-mortar businesses have long complained that they are disadvantaged by having to charge sales taxes while many of their online competitors do not.


  1. So tired of hearing about local retailers losing business to online sales. Now there are radio commercials trying to make me feel guilty for online purchases. Look, I’d love to support local retailers but why would I pay a local store $45 plus tax for a widget I can buy online for $25, no tax and shipped free to my door? Maybe if local retailers were more competitive and less prone to price gouging their businesses would pick up.
    I’m in the business of working hard for my money, therefore when I spend it, I have every right to spend it wisely and get the best return for my investment. It’s not personal. It’s common sense.

  2. No problem, there are still ways around this, like having your items delivered to a state like Delaware that has no sales tax. I'll just have it delivered to a relatives address there. No problem. I did this when I purchased my dell desktop. Even retailers, in a tax free state. Just do a ship to store.
    People will always find ways around this.

  3. 1:35

    I feel your pain about the local retailer, but it may not be his fault that the retail price is so high. He is required to comply with ridiculous local laws and taxes and is just passing that cost on.

    The real fly in the ointment is the local and state governments that have their hand in your pocket at each move.

    1. Understood but, as Judge Judy says...not my circus, not my monkey. I’m not going to willingly pay more than I have to out of pity because the business owner is getting the shaft from local government.

  4. The RATS in Annapolis are drooling already.........

    1. I know you are aware too

      Those rats are going to build another Bay bridge soon

      The Eastern Shore trees, farms will dispear to a concrete Jungle

      Like Jersey and New York

  5. 7:44 ..What Are You Smoking !! Lol


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