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Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Black Americans Vastly Prefer Deporting Illegal Alien Families over ‘Catch and Release’

A plurality of black Americans say illegal alien families arriving at the United States-Mexico border should be deported together back to their home country.

In a CBS News/YouGov poll, black Americans vastly favor President Donald Trump’s plan to deport entire illegal alien families over the Democrats’ preferred “Catch and Release” policy where adult illegal aliens arriving with minor children are released into the interior of the U.S.

Nearly 40 percent of black Americans say illegal alien families ought to be deported together back to their home country, while only 20 percent said the families should be released into the country while they await their immigration and asylum hearings.



  1. The democrats have historically used immigration as a way to keep wages low for their Big Business handlers. Black Americans were and continue to be hit very hard by the democrat policy of Catch and Release. This goes for living conditions as well. Something this country needs to work hard on is raising the rate of Black American home ownership. Immigration makes it harder and harder for Black Americans to own homes because immigrants tend to live 4, 5, 6 adult working family members to a household which translates to higher rent prices making it harder to save for a down payment.

    1. Bullsnot already!! WereW all afforded the same opportunity to own whatever we desire. Matter of fact a black female has more advantage to own her own home, business whatever she wants. Yes because she is black and female

  2. It should never be the US tax payer deporting them back to their Country. They came out of Mexico and that is were we take them, just over the border. They paid their way to get here they pay their own way to get back to their Country from Mexico. You are suppose to claim amnesty in the first Country you enter from your Country. Not travel 1000 miles to claim amnesty. Mexico has the responsibility to stop them when they entered Mexico's southern border.

  3. I disagree with 4:07pm. I think they should use tax payer money and ship ALL Illegal Aliens to a Middle Eastern country and just dump them off. I guarantee you there would be a drastic reduction in the re-entry of the hispanics/Mexicans. Especially if the Muslims started whacking their heads off and then the Mexicans would think twice about coming to our country illegally.

  4. 6:04 has the right idea! Send them to a place that they can't return from!

  5. 5:04 I disagree with US tax dollars paying their way. If the US tax dollars are used then Dump them in Kenya so Obama can take care of them.

  6. Damn right they do, don't want the welfare system to go broke helping out illegals when they depend on it for their whole lives.

  7. Send DACA and illegal immigrants back home. All of them.

  8. I have a really good feeling that Trump might get a much larger portion of the black vote in his re-election bid.
    Just sayin'.


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