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Thursday, June 07, 2018

Bill Clinton is now staring at the underside of the Democrats' bus

Karma finally has caught up with Bill Clinton. It wasn't supposed to turn out this way, in his mind, and it's all Donald Trump's fault (as is everything wrong with the world, if you are a national Democrat). Had Hillary brought him back to the White House as the historic "first gentleman," none of the humiliation that he now is enduring would be his lot. Harvey Weinstein would still be raising megabucks for Democrats; Charlie Rose would still be interviewing bien pensant politicians, actors, and writers; and the thriller novel purportedly "co-written" by James Patterson and Bill Clinton would be receiving nothing but adoring reviews and softball questions on the publicity tour.

Instead, the explosion of the #MeToo movement, aimed at hyping the gravity of sexual improprieties by powerful men with powerless women (this means you, Donald "you can grab 'em by the p----" Trump!), has unleashed the furies long bottled up by the political utility of Bill Clinton.

Thus, Craig Melvin of NBC News dared to ask Bill Clinton and his "co-author," James Patterson, about Monica Lewinsky and whether she was owed an apology.



  1. Takes you back to local lying trash Molly Likovich pictured wearing proudly on her putrid head a vagina hat and proudly holding a sign saying President Trump is a rapist! Well Molly got slapped back down into the sewer from which she emerged when it was proved on this site she is a liar lying about her place of employment. What kind of filth raised a liar like her? They should be ashamed but their lack of any human decency prevents this. The rapist is Clinton who garbage like Likovich embraced and his wife re victimized his victims by trying to demonize them. And to think the Likovich hag works in the school system so its been said. She couldn't even raised her own daughter to be an honest decent person. Trash the whole lot of them.

  2. Some of our children are our crosses to bear.

  3. It's about time that Bill is called to the carpet for this!

  4. Intelligence operative, Monica Lewd-Winski really did a number on the puppet! That is why Bill did exactly as he was instructed (Boznia War, Trade Deals, Waco, OK City coverup, so on).


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