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Monday, June 11, 2018

Austria’s Government Plans to Shutdown Seven Mosques and Expel 60 Turkish-Funded Imams

The conservative Austrian government announced plans this week to shutter seven mosques and expel 60 Turkish-funded radical imams.

The Turkish government blasted the move as an act of Islamophobia.

Austria said it could expel up to 60 Turkish-funded imams and their families and would shut down seven mosques as part of a crackdown on ‘political Islam’ that was described as ‘just the beginning’, triggering fury in Ankara.

Chancellor Sebastian Kurz said the government is shutting a hardline Turkish nationalist mosque in Vienna and dissolving a group called the Arab Religious Community that runs six mosques.

His coalition government, an alliance of conservatives and the far right, came to power soon after Europe’s migration crisis on promises to prevent another influx and clamp down on benefits for new immigrants and refugees.



  1. Maybe some people in Europe have enough but I don't think our own Democrats are that smart.

  2. US Democrats will not allow this. They have allowed Nation of Islam and Farrakhan has been allowed to long. They started in California with the original Black Panthers. Democrats love the Anarchist.


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