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Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Attorney General Frosh Joins Multistate Lawsuit Challenging Trump Administration’s Family Separation Policy

Eighteen Attorneys General to Oppose Unconstitutional Policy

Maryland Attorney General Brian E. Frosh today joined a multistatelawsuit challenging the Trump Administration’s policy of forced family separation on the U.S. southern border. A total of 17 states and the District of Columbia joined the lawsuit, filed today in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington.

“President Trump’s policy of taking children away from their parents is cruel,” said Attorney General Frosh. “It is unconstitutional and illegal. As a matter of simple human decency, this practice must cease, and the children should be reunited with their parents immediately.”

Read more in the full press release:http://www.marylandattorneygeneral.gov/press/2018/062618a.pdf


  1. Democrats are only after votes with the illegals

  2. Obama Crooked BastardoJune 27, 2018 at 2:07 AM

    This Frosh is at it again? He must have Deranged Anti-Trump Sydrome. Let's kick this Loser out of office now!

  3. Yet he has no problem taking children from a single parent American citizen who is going to jail for any amount of time and place them in foster care! No problem at all with that scenario, no problem!
    Explain that hiprocrasy.

  4. What about my carry permit Brian!

  5. Jeh Johnson(Obama's DHS Secretary) said they did the same thing under Obama. Where were you then, Frosh?

  6. Make sure L Hogan gets the memo, he has no other way to know what bad bad things Trump is doing.

    Wolfe for MD AG

  7. Mickey Mouse for Md Governor....so we'll be more respected though out the community.

  8. Frosh needs to go plan and simple!

  9. With all the problems we have in Maryland this is how Frosh spends his time and our money. Shame on him. The Left has gone totally deranged.

  10. Easier for him to do this for the lime light and ignore md real issues .

  11. Frosh is now being directed by the gangs / MS13 / drug dealers & illegals. He has allowed, along with Miller & Busch, Maryland to become a sanctuary State.

  12. Concentrate on Maryland's needs, not its emotions.

  13. It's not Presidents Trump's policy..It's Bill Clinton's policy since he is the one who signed it into law.


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