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Friday, June 29, 2018

As they voted in Democratic primary, many Marylanders appeared inclined to back Hogan this fall

Dwight Hunter is tired of hearing about President Trump. Doesn’t want to think about him. And like most Democrats, he wishes his presidency were already over.

“I don’t want to get into the name calling,” said the 67-year-old retired police officer, who lives in Upper Marlboro and voted in Maryland’s Democratic gubernatorial primary on Tuesday. “I don’t want to stoop as low as Donald Trump and get into all of that. I’m trying to avoid saying, probably, how I actually feel.”

Yet after voting for Ben Jealous, who won the Democratic gubernatorial nomination, Hunter said he might still back the state’s Republican governor, Larry Hogan, in November.

“I don’t see that voting Hogan out will be a vote against Trump,” he said. “I don’t think Hogan is furthering Donald Trump’s causes in the state of Maryland.”



  1. Ben Jealous is pretty close to a socialist as you can get...he's touting free everything for everybody - yet can't say where the money is coming from to pay for it...he would have to tax those that are already overpaying while recovering from Marty O'Moron...and more of us will leave!

    Governor Hogan has been the best thing to happen to Maryland in a verrry looong time! Even though he's not a Trump supporter - he's doing things mostly the Republican way - while working with the Dumbocrat Annapaholes!

  2. Hogan has played it safe in this Blue state, just as he should to keep his place. Many of the Red persuasion are disappointed and angry, but don't stop to think that it could be much worse, perhaps forgetting how it was not that long ago.

  3. This election will be simply the lesser of two evils, vote Hogan.

  4. Sure as hell ain't voting for Ben Jealous.

  5. Dave T: No vote for Hogan here. He's been a disappointment at best.

  6. So, Dave T, what are your options?

  7. Hogan is a traitor to the GOP and Trump, time to make him pay for his disloyalty!

  8. He did what he said what he was going to do; stay moderate in a wacko Blue State to make progress to the right. I'll vote for his second term to give him a chance at a lame duck session of hard charging toward knocking down some guy laws and other more republican chores.

    Voting for Jealous, you may as well put a gun in your mouth and pull...

    Both give me a bad taste in my mouth, but I'll stick with the first bad taste.


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