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Friday, June 22, 2018

Activist Who Harassed Homeland Security Secretary Works For The Department Of Justice

One of the activists who chased Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen out of a Mexican restaurant Tuesday night over the Trump administration’s immigration policies is an employee of the Department of Justice, The Daily Caller News Foundation has confirmed.

Members of the Washington, D.C., chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America crashed Nielsen’s meal with a demonstration full of chants and other outbursts.

One of those participants, Allison Hrabar, actually works for the Trump administration — as a paralegal in the DOJ.

The Washington Examiner spoke with Hrabar Wednesday and she defended her behavior as off government time and a use of her First Amendment rights.

Despite Hrabar’s claims of keeping her personal politics outside of her time as an employee of the federal government, a look at her Twitter account, @allisongeroi, features tweets during the workday openly celebrating her behavior Tuesday night.



  1. I hope the next time this is posted it reads, "worked" at DOJ

  2. So, FIRED???????

    When will her firing be announced? Maybe it will take until Monday...

  3. Should be fired outright. Terrible representation of the government from a public employee

  4. She should immediately be FIRED!!!

  5. Then she needs to be fired.


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