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Tuesday, June 26, 2018

A Viewer Writes: Wasting Tax Dollars on White Privilege Training

The State of Delaware Department of Education is wasting time and money to “train” people about white privilege. They hired a contractor to conduct a training that is racist.
The mandatory training is two days and left many employees offended. Tax payers should be offended too.

Here are some notable quotes:

“What Does It Mean To Be White?

Segregation: Most whites live, grow, play, learn, love, work and die primarily in racial segregation. Yet, our society does not teach us to see this as a loss.

Individualism: Whites are taught to see themselves as individuals, rather than as part of a racial group. It follows that whites are racially objective and thus can represent the universal human experience, while people of color can only represent their race.

Focus on Intentions Over Impact: We are taught that racism must be intentional and that only bad people commit it. Thus a common white reasoning in cross racial conflicts is that as long as we are good people and don’t intend to perpetuate racism, then our actions don’t count as racism.

White Fragility: In a white-dominant society, challenges to a white worldview are uncommon. The racial status quo is comfortable for us. We haven’t had to develop the skills, perspective or humility that would help us engage constructively. As a result, we have very little tolerance for racial discomfort and respond poorly.“

“A View of Systemic White Racism”

“White Privilege Exercise”

“Some Aspects and Assumptions of White Culture in the United States”

How does this bring everyone together? Namecalling doesn’t solve anything. We need to work together with unity not division.


  1. Holy oxymoron, Batman!!
    That's total bullsh*t!!!
    Why is it that when the shoe is on the other foot, it's called racist.
    But when liberals are condescending toward whites, it's political correction.

  2. Unfortunately, Delaware has become infested with the liberals bleeding over from Maryland. It needs to stop because Delaware citizens are having less and less say in what goes on in their state and it won't be long before the State has its own Maxine Waters.

  3. The idea of White Privilege comes from the Snowflake professors at our universities which alleges that Blacks aren't good or as smart as White people. We know that's absurd but this is what they push and what they believe.

  4. White privilege is as fake as CNN.

  5. This is all rooted in luciferians ideals. Hate deception and lies

  6. They can kiss my WHITE a--

  7. Well don't bitch here. Form an alliance and go bitch to the BOE and the elected officials.


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