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Saturday, June 02, 2018

10 Diseases You Can Get From Your Cats and Dogs

It’s estimated Americans own a whopping 78 million dogs and 85 million cats, according to the American Pet Product Association, but the down side of our love for animals is that every year tens of thousands of Americans will get sick from diseases spread between animals and people.

These are called zoonotic diseases and, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, six out of ten known infectious diseases and three out of four emerging diseases in people are spread by animals.

So while animals can provide incredible psychological and physical benefits to humans, it’s important to note that even a healthy looking animal can carry harmful germs that can cause illness and even death.

“While anyone can become sick from pet related infections, if you or someone you live with has a compromised immune system, you should talk with your doctor before getting a family pet,’ Dr. Jessica Stull, MD., an internist at Kelsey-Seybold Clinic in Texas, tells Newsmax Health.

Here are 10 top diseases spread by domestic animals:

1 comment:

  1. I don't know how many times I have seen grown educated adults letting their dog lick their child's face or their own. Fido just ate a hunk of crap he found in the park, and licked his rear before "Kissing" you!


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