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Thursday, May 17, 2018

YouTube Censors Deportation Bus, Hate Speech

State Senator Michael Williamson responded Wednesday to YouTube temporarily censoring one of his Georgia gubernatorial campaign ads and marking it as “hate speech.”

The ad, posted Tuesday, touts a “deportation bus.” Williams claims he will be taking the bus on a tour of the state and, if elected governor, round up illegal immigrants with it.


1 comment:

  1. I would vote for him. You illegals need to get your butts out of OUR country. You are not wanted , got it? And those of you that hire them, I have plenty of video that can be used in a court of law against you when Trump comes after you. And believe me, he WILL. Especially that roofer. And the nursery owner on Pemberton. That's all he has working there. And the one behind the Center at Salisbury. You people are the reason those illegals come here. YOU give them the oncentive to come here by giving them jobs. Which is illegal.


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