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Friday, May 11, 2018

Work Requirements for Medicaid Are Now OK in Four States

New Hampshire has become the fourth state to get approval from the federal government to require some Medicaid recipients to work.

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services sent a letter to the state this week granting its approval of the state’s proposal to require most working-age, able-bodied adults to work, go to school, get job training or participate in community service for 100 hours a month in order to continue receiving health insurance under the state’s expanded Medicaid program.

Arkansas, Indiana and Kentucky also have received approval to move forward with work requirements under the program, according to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Waivers are pending in Arizona, Kansas, Maine, Mississippi, North Carolina, Ohio, Utah and Wisconsin. Most are states with Republican legislatures and governors.



  1. Bring it to MD Hogan.

  2. As a Maryland Medicaid recipient I'm all for this. Because I'm a cancer survivor the cost of getting healthcare on the exchange was beyond affordability for me. The Affordable Care Act said that the participating insurance companies could not turn me down. I'm single. The cheapest plan I could get was 4,000$/ year with a 4,000$ deductible. That was way more than I could afford. So I went without. Two years ago I wound up in the hospital with heart issues. Thank God it wasn't a heart attack. But it turns out I had underlying heart problems. At the time I was unemployed. So a social worker visited me in the ER. She immediately signed me up for Medicaid. I'm thankful for it. Since I've been paying a Medicaid tax my whole life I was glad to finally get to use it. However I'm limited to how much money I'm allowed to make. (12,000$/year) If I make to much I'm back to the situation I found myself in two years ago. I'd gladly work more to help pay my way. Please Governor Hogan give me the opportunity to work to my fullest ability. I'm not looking for a free ride. I just want to keep a roof over my head, food on the table, and Doctors to keep me alive. Is that to much to ask for?

    1. People like yourself I have no problem with it's the dirtbags that stay on it and pass it on from generation to generation .

  3. Ever wonder when your in a doctors office, some people just walk right on out without paying anything. That's because they have been getting medicaid for years and years and have never worked a day in their life. Watch who does it and you will see a pattern. I noticed it for years and did not know why till a person who worked in a doctors office told me the truth.


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