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Monday, May 28, 2018

White House Cracks Down on Unions with Executive Orders

President Trump issued a series of executive orders Friday that could gut federal employee unions’ ability to negotiate with agency leaders and represent workers, as well as reduce the time it takes for an agency to fire people for poor performance or misconduct.

Billed as the first step toward broad civil service reform, senior administration officials announced in a call with reporters on Friday afternoon three executive orders aimed at making it easier to fire poor performers and ordering harsher treatment of union representatives.

“Today, the president is fulfilling his promise to promote a more efficient government by reforming civil service rules,” said Andrew Bremberg, director of the president’s Domestic Policy Council. “Every year, the Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey shows that less than one third of federal employees believe poor performers are adequately addressed by their agency. These executive orders make it easier to remove poor performing employees, and ensure that taxpayer dollars are more efficiently used.”



  1. Looooooooooooooonnnngggggggggggg overdue.

  2. Ditto, 323!!!!

    MAGA for yet another great day!!!

  3. I'll add, Trump has been doing stuff like this every day since January 20, 2017.

    That's how much good he is doing for this Country!

    I am so glad he is my POTUS, but still, the MSM makes it their job every day to ignore these things and chant the Russia chant. Pathetic bastions that they are.

  4. Not to worry 553, their pounding is on deaf ears and all will be told during the elections in Nov.

  5. If the union stewards are representing the union workers, then why would the taxpayer pay their salary? Logic dictates that their salary should be paid for by the union.


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