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Sunday, May 20, 2018



  1. The horse is coming, she's going. Look at the feet

  2. Coming towards the camera. Look at the tail.

  3. Must be going,neither one is even breathing hard.

  4. Coming, the horses hind legs are to the back of the picture

  5. Hopefully going........

  6. shes going cause if she was coming her face would be flush!

  7. Neither. Both are standing still so they are neither coming OR going.

  8. Coming towards the camera (and that's without any bourbon this fine Munday morning)!

    (snicker snicker)

  9. If you look long enough you can see that they are going. Look at the hoofs.

  10. coming. I see a white spot that looks like a ring.

  11. Coming as normally you walk on the horse's left?

  12. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Must be going,neither one is even breathing hard.

    May 14, 2018 at 6:52 AM

    That's funny

  13. she's coming look at her foot and her thumb and you alway lead a horizon the left side

  14. she's coming look at her foot and her thumb and you alway lead a horizon the left side

  15. you always walk a horse from his left. So using that logic, they are coming.

  16. They are on a beach and the water is beyond. Since there are no footprints in the sand between them and the shore, they are walking away from the photographer and toward the water's edge, absolutely.

    I told you so!

  17. Anonymous Steve said...
    They are on a beach and the water is beyond. Since there are no footprints in the sand between them and the shore, they are walking away from the photographer and toward the water's edge, absolutely.

    I told you so!

    May 14, 2018 at 6:50 PM

    There are no footsteps at all and that would make it too easy. Try a little harder.

  18. Need more light to read, and have to use reading glassed to read fine print. It sucks to grow old!

  19. Coming forward look at the horse, the females head is turned toward the horse and her feet as well as the horse's hoofs are coming forward.

  20. going for sure...shadow is behind them, sun in front

  21. They are both walking toward the camera, I enhanced the photo to show the woman's left wrist is in front of her stomach, but apparently... that comment did not get posted DAYS ago.

    I guess being born on the Shore is not Shore enough.

  22. Coming towards the camera. Going away is an illusion and a trick on your mind. There's a reason your brain "sees" the illusion that they are moving away from the camera, but there's also a reason the horse doesn't look quite right. The back legs & haunches and front legs suddenly look just like they suppose to when you allow your brain to see the image as coming towards you.


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