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Thursday, May 17, 2018

UN quietly pushes International Gun Control

The United Nations’ International Action Network on Small Arms (IANSA) is finishing up their Global Week of Action Against Gun Violence. According to IANSA, the goal of the week-long meeting is “for us to advocate collectively for an end to illicit trade and misuse of small arms and light weapons.”

We all know what that really means: the United Nations presumes they have authority over every human being on earth, and as such, seeks to ban guns from the slaves they want to control. Of course, they aren’t going to come right out and say it just it. It took liberals decades before they simply admitted what we already knew: they are coming for our guns.



  1. Or they want nations to work harder in "ending the illicit trade and misuse of small arms and light weapons". Aren't the illegal guns the real problem?

  2. People using illegal guns is the problem.

  3. Concerned RetireeMay 17, 2018 at 1:34 PM

    The UN does not supersede our US Constitution. The UN and Soros should be ban from the US. They should be made to pay their fines owed. The US should remove them from the US and withdrawal all US tax dollars and see what these third world nations do then without US tax dollars and see where these Millionaires go before they are eliminated by their citizens.

  4. Don't Tread on Me !

  5. All, YES illegal guns are a problem, but you clowns, and I mean this whole heatedly, clowns, think by passing more gun laws against us law abiding citizens will stop illegal guns...

    Clearly you dumb-asses don't know what the word ILLEGAL means... Law abiding citizens are not breaking any laws which makes what they do LEGAL!!!! You can't stop or pass laws to stop ILLEGAL guns!!!!! Which is why you pass anti-gun laws clamming it will do good, and then you turn right around having to pass more anti-gun laws, why??? Because making laws that say something that is already ILLEGAL, more ILLEGAL, won't stop the ILLEGAL GUNS!!!!

    So clearly when clowns like you call for more gun control you are just a slave, and when the govt calls for more gun control it is so you can;t fight back when they decide to do what china just did, remove term limits and become a dictator... We can't count on the courts, we can't count on the cops or anyone else but your own self with a gun to stop that mess... Cops go along to get along and get paid to do it... They are helping these people so you can;t even expect them to stand up for you in this regard... They help by enforcing unconstitutional laws and say I am just doing my job, when they have a moral and lawful obligation to refuse to enforce said laws but they don't...

  6. Dave T: And they can file this new paper work, with all their other junk paper work. Put it where the sun don't shine if you get my drift. Hell will freeze over twice before I'll follow UN law. And this is the nice way I'll put it. Any questions?

  7. 12:59
    How is a gun illegal? Its not the gun , as you NRA lovers say ...its the shooter


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