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Friday, May 11, 2018

UK Proposes Six Year Prison Sentences for Online Posts Against Religion, Transgender

People promoting “hostility” towards a religion or the transgendered online could get much harsher sentences, of up to six years in jail, especial if they have a large online audience according to new proposals.

The Sentencing Council for England and Wales has drafted changes to public order offenses, including anyone perceived as targeting online “protected characteristics” including “race; sex; disability; age; sexual orientation; religion or belief; pregnancy and maternity; and gender reassignment.”

The most severe punishments will be handed to those “in a position of trust, authority or influence and abuses their position to stir up hatred,” such as political leaders or figureheads and anyone whose offenses are “persistent.”

If an “offender was a member of, or was associated with, a group promoting hostility based on race or religion,” their sentence will also be harsher.

The Sentencing Council believes that the use of social media, YouTube, and other “websites” to stir hatred is a growing problem – despite the number of prosecutions remain relatively low.



  1. This is what Liberals want to have happen here.

  2. DA liberals want this everywhere.

  3. First take the guns then take your right to speak freely.

  4. They have disarmed their population.

    Now, their leaders will put them in jail (!!) for SAYING something someone else doesn't like.
    Put me in jail for saying allah is a pedophile fake god who's main claim to glory is all the gore??
    THAT is why WE have guns.

    We have bunch of those kinds of "leaders" here, too.
    They know we have guns, however, so they tamp that Nazi BS down.
    keep cheering.

  5. Facebook already has banned concertive posts and stories.

  6. Those Libtards are sick in the head.

  7. But it is OK to overlook the muslims blocking the roads to hold Friday prayers and make London a huge parking lot until they decide to stop bending down to satan..

  8. Look how the Libtards just destroyed the Boyscout!


  9. Someone remind me again which country forced the Magna Carta on its ruler. Does that country still exist?


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