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Tuesday, May 08, 2018

Trump Rips Mueller's "13 Angry Democrats", Hints At Coming Revelation About DOJ "Conflicts Of Interest"

Update: President Trump is stepping up his attacks on individual members of the "13 Angry Democrats", singling out former FBI lawyer Lisa Page and special agent Peter Strzok for their involvement in the "total mess" that Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Russia probe has begun.

After joking that Page "may hold the record for the most Emails in the shortest period of time (to her Lover, Peter S)" Trump questioned why Strzok is still employed at the bureau, unlike Page, who was fired for leaking.

The president then questioned whether the Mueller probe would drag on until the midterms, adding that Republicans "better get tough and smart before it is too late."
Lisa Page, who may hold the record for the most Emails in the shortest period of time (to her Lover, Peter S), and attorney Baker, are out at the FBI as part of the Probers getting caught? Why is Peter S still there? What a total mess. Our Country has to get back to Business!
The United States does not need John Kerry’s possibly illegal Shadow Diplomacy on the very badly negotiated Iran Deal. He was the one that created this MESS in the first place!

Of course, we're still waiting for the revelation about new DOJ "conflicts of interest" that Trump promised earlier.



  1. Good luck with that. Mueller is a lifelong Republican.

  2. Conflict of interest, like the fact that the law firm Mueller worked for, WilmerHale, had Manafort, Ivanka, and Kushner as clients?

  3. And Melania ripped her speech off of Michelle. What's new. Hypocrisy everywhere. She makes her platform cyberbullying while POTUS is one of the biggest offenders.

  4. 1120-And Hillary called tens of millions of Americans racists, bigots, Islamaphobic, sexist, and other deplorable names. All because she blew it lol

  5. It's becoming like an old time Saturday afternoon serial movie, complete with cliffhangers.


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