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Tuesday, May 08, 2018

Trump Lashes Out At John Kerry's "Possibly Illegal Shadow Diplomacy" With Iran

Following reports over the weekend that Obama's Secretary of State, John Kerry and a group of his former State Department officials, had been busy being unofficial diplomats in recent weeks, sneaking around the world trying to salvage the Iran nuclear deal he presided over, ahead of its May 12 renewal deadline, it appears President Trump has a few things to say about these actions.

As we previously noted,

John Kerry’s bid to save one of his most significant accomplishments as secretary of state took him to New York on a Sunday afternoon two weeks ago, where, more than a year after he left office, he engaged in some unusual shadow diplomacy with a top-ranking Iranian official.

He sat down at the United Nations with Foreign Minister Javad Zarif to discuss ways of preserving the pact limiting Iran’s nuclear weapons program. It was the second time in about two months that the two had met to strategize over salvaging a deal they spent years negotiating during the Obama administration, according to a person briefed on the meetings. -Boston Globe



  1. Concerned RetireeMay 8, 2018 at 8:28 PM

    Who is paying for these trips and other expenses? The US Taxpayer should not be footing the bill. So is it Soros, Democratic Party or some liberal anarchist group? I know Kerry is not paying his own way.

  2. Too bad the Muslims didn't capture this traitor and cut off his head.

  3. Funny, seems like no one gets punished for treasonous acts anymore. Amend the damn Logan Act to include much-needed harsher penalties AND enforce it!


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