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Friday, May 11, 2018

Thomas Gallatin: NAACP: We Need Mandatory 'Implicit Bias' Testing for All Public Officials

The real-life implications of the NAACP's call would see the end of Americans' First Amendment rights.

On Wednesday, USA Today ran an opinion article by NAACP President Derrick Johnson in which he called for mandatory “implicit bias” testing for all public officials. Hello 1984. Johnson asserts that recent events, such as the arrest of two black men at Starbucks, indicate “that racism still remains a much more popular drink in America than coffee.” He then commends Starbucks CEO Kevin Johnson for his decision to train all employees in “unconscious and implicit bias,” though Derrick Johnson questions why the entire nation waits and doesn’t proactively engage in implicit bias testing and training.

Johnson further writes, “The NAACP is calling for an expansion of the movement to demand mandatory testing for implicit bias, particularly for officials paid with public dollars. For major corporations, implicit bias training must become a part of corporate responsibility rather than always as a response to video-taped intolerance.” The test he recommends is the dubious Harvard University implicit association test (IAT). But the IAT breaks the cardinal rule of sound research: It doesn’t produce repeatable results. Thus, it’s anything but good science.



  1. Until a mind reading machine is perfected, this will not be happening.

  2. NAACP also pumps tons of cash into the Democratic party. That is the party that wants to also do away with the 2nd amendment.

    Sounds like this group is treasonous.

    I wonder if John McCain is a member? Probably is, that is what he stands for!


  3. Sad to say, my experience across recent years is that whites are reviled and prejudged almost automatically. The race dividers have been very successful in convincing many blacks that absolutely anything that displeases them about a situation has its roots in racism.

    As a society we've made great strides since 1954's Brown v Board, and the Civil Rights Act of 1964. But in recent years a reverse racism mindset has become evident. MLK weeps!

  4. This will most certainly bite the NAALCP in the rear. Everyone knows exactly how racist blacks are towards whites Asians and Latinos.

  5. Is Mr. Johnson requesting "bias" testing for all or only White people? I bet he makes a pretty good living pushing hate and deceit on his people.


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