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Tuesday, May 15, 2018

This Jobs Program Just Might Get People Back to Work

BALTIMORE — When the man in the teal hoodie mentioned that he had trained as a pharmacy technician, Lachelle Hill’s voice rose in excitement. “Why don’t I see that on here?” the state job counselor asked, pointing at the paperwork on the table between them.

Hill was counseling Corey, a 30-year-old jobseeker who didn’t share his last name, at a federally funded job center here on the top floor of a shopping mall, an escalator ride away from a Forever 21 and a Cinnabon.

Unemployment insurance beneficiaries are required to look for work, but Hill wasn’t just checking Corey’s paperwork for compliance. She was helping him focus his job search, and trying to steer him toward positions he was qualified for.

Such conversations are central to a reemployment grant program that the U.S. Department of Labor has touted for years. In February, Congress passed a budget bill that would make the program permanent and increase its funding from about $100 million last year to more than $3 billion over the next six years.

To push states to improve their programs further, the law requires that starting in 2023 states must spend a quarter of their money on “evidence-based interventions” that have been proven to get people jobs faster.



  1. Work, yes. The Great thing about America! Liberals don't want work (gibmedats, free bees) since it creates a addiction to WellFair!!

  2. It's possible he didn't mention he was a pharmacy technician because he was fired from previous tech job for stealing drugs. Or, he didn't mention it because he might get a job and doesn't want one at all.

  3. This ain't about liberals. This is about millions and billions telling our federal government that they need people to work until we die just to suit their privileged lifestyle. I'm 62 and still working my butt of just to eat, keep a roof over my head and pay bills. I have college degrees, l am a veteran and currently work in law enforcement. My employees retirement was lost in the last major stock market crash. And, l didn't trust my investors with my money. After twenty five years of employment, l had to leave the job to take care a family member in another state, completely starting over with .o requested help from the state or federal government. These privileged rich golks need bodies to work cheap labor for them. And if it mean you work until you die, so be it. Our government is trying to rid the system of social security. Think about what will be available for you when you reach retirement age and theirs nothing there for you. The second generation of baby boomers are feeling it know. The first generation of baby boomer got there retirement and they are the ones who are trying to put a stop to it now. Do your research. The federal government don't care about the American citizen unless you had enough money to hire a lobbyists and jave donated some of your money to your state and government representative.


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