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Tuesday, May 08, 2018

The Kanye West Threat: Why Liberals Are So Freaked About Him

When Kanye West put out a tweet praising Candace Owens a couple of weeks ago and followed it up by noting he supported Donald Trump, he immediately became the center of the media universe. Suddenly EVERYONE was talking about Kanye and liberals seemed both stunned and outraged that the same man who once said, “George Bush doesn’t care about black people” was now saying things like,
in school we need to learn how magic Johnson built his business not always about the past. Matter fact I’ve never even heard of a high school class that presents future ideas

we are programmed to always talk and fight race issues. We need to update our conversation.

I had one of the most unexpectedly positive conversations about politics today. No battle lines drawn, no polarization — just talked about possibility, optimism, and love. The Kanye Effect? – John Durant (Retweet)

we’re being starved and anyone who starts asking unpopular questions gets demonized. Only free thinkers can change the world
I’ve got a new challenge for everyone today. Pick somebody that you had an argument with that you think you hate maybe even someone you haven’t spoken to in years and contact that person and tell them I love you.

I haven’t done enough research on conservatives to call myself or be called one. I’m just refusing to be enslaved by monolithic thought.

As you’ll notice, Kanye doesn’t exactly sound like Rush Limbaugh or Mark Levin here. If anything, he sounds like someone who likes a few conservative ideas and is just saying people should keep an open mind and not hate the other side.

Why does that freak liberals out to the point where you have endless articles and tweets, a rapper publicly calling for the Crips to murder Kanye, and members of Congress, like Maxine Waters, stepping up to say:


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