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Saturday, May 19, 2018

Thanks Social Media Viewers

Yeah, some nay sayers are making false claims and lies about OC Billiards @ Trader Lee's. They claim I'm bouncing checks, we have no customers, blah, blah, blah. 

Was Trader Lee's somewhat slower in the past, absolutely. However, my partner and I sat down in the very beginning where I shared my vision to take a major portion on this location and create a Billiard Room with Live Music. We both agreed that it was a cool idea but would the combination actually complement each other? We agreed, if one didn't work we'd eliminate it and concentrate on the other.

Little did we know that the two were a perfect marriage and since day one it has proven to be a HUGE success, thanks to all of you. So when you read lies about us being a failure, understand where you are at, (website) and take it with a grain of salt. Consider the source, is all I'm saying. 

If Joe Albero says the sky is blue, you know damn well they're going to say it's green. I can put up pictures every day of the week proving them wrong and they'll find a way to counter what I'm saying. 

The bottom line is, I was very successful in the past with this very same concept and we saw an opportunity with Trader Lee's to rebrand and revitalize an incredible location. No one is trying to become a millionaire here. We simply wanted to fill a hole with something much needed here on the Shore. 

I'll simply say this, to those of you who might understand the business. Last night we removed seven overflowing 55 gallon trash cans and we serve no food. 

So come join us tonight for for "RAMBLE ON". They're yet another incredible group and as always there's no cover charge. Where else are you going to go to shoot pool for a dollar, listen to great live music every weekend and enjoy mixed drinks for $4.00, ice cold beer for $2.00 or $3.00 and no cover charge to get in! Thanks for supporting us.


  1. People to lazy or too stupid to succeed will always hate on movers and shakers that have ideas and take chances to create something. It's Un-American actually.

  2. Key words to all hearts (especially in the OC area):

    NO COVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Don’t forget, if it fails it’s his risk. He’s not taking city money and leaving the taxpayers on the hook for yet another failed program. Or taking everyone’s money and benefiting a few with it.
    Everyone bashes him for not trying, then he gets bashed for trying something. Thanks for taking your own risk for your own reward. Especially if part of the reward is to make a place people can have a little fun.

  4. I wish you success and pray it doesn't get ruined by the rednecks and other lowlifes that all too often ruin nice places in Salisbury.

  5. Sounds like your doing great Joe!


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