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Wednesday, May 09, 2018

Soros Drops $1.5 Million in San Diego for Far-Left District Attorney Candidate

Liberal billionaire George Soros has pushed $1.5 million into San Diego's district attorney race to support a far-left candidate who spoke on a panel hosted by the liberal billionaire last year at the left's biggest dark money donor conference.

Soros, who has been funding district attorney races across the country in his attempt to reform the criminal justice system, on May 3 deposited $1.5 million into the California Justice & Public Safety PAC. The committee was established to support Geneviéve Jones-Wright, the Democratic candidate and deputy public defender in the county. The PAC is run by Whitney Tymas, a longtime treasurer of Soros PACs.

The PAC disbursed $194,884 on television ads, $100,000 on digital advertising, and $107,575.60 on campaign literature and mailings in recent days, campaign finance records filed in San Diego County show.



  1. A vote for Democrats is a vote against America.

  2. @8:34 Drop him in Gitmo. Why is this Communist being allowed to do this?

  3. Waterboard his A😁😁


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