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Sunday, May 13, 2018

Retired general: Torture worked on John McCain, that's why they call him 'Songbird John'

Retired Air Force Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney on Thursday referred to Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., as "Songbird John" and said torture worked on the former POW.

McInerney, during an interview on Fox Business Network, was slamming McCain's refusal to support CIA director nominee Gina Haspel over her past work at the agency involving enhanced interrogation techniques that are considered torture.

"The fact is, is John McCain — it worked on John. That's why they call him 'Songbird John,'" McInerney said.



  1. This generals comment is disgusting and shameful.

  2. Ha ha! SOrry, I have no respect for John McCain AT ALL.

  3. Not a "sensitive" remark, but facts are facts. He is entitled to his opinion, which is shared by more GI's than you might think... About on a par with "Hanoi Jxxxxxx.."

  4. I’m no McCain fan, can’t stand him but...Before all you sh!thouse Warriors start criticizing anyone for how well they did or didn’t stand up to torture, think twice.
    It’s easy to be a badass from your parents basement.

    1. Spoken by another armchair badass. MCCAIN killed more sailors than the Vietcong. PERIOD!!

  5. He later just blabbed top secret stuff to the enemy. He told locations of secret air bases, fuel depots, ammo supplies, prisoner compounds, troop numbers, ships armament and defences. He turned in his fellow POW's when they planned a escape.
    He just turned over documents that he had to special prosecutors to help them go after Trump. Once a traitor, always a traitor!
    I am so happy he is dying!

  6. Big time slam.

  7. McInerney Knows the Truth regarding McCain, as does my husband and Many other Viet Nam Vets...McCain is a Traitor; plain and simple.

  8. 'Songbird John' BWHAHAHA

    I've always said he was a friggin Traitor! I study up on people and formulate an opinion. Just saying...

  9. You armchair warriors wouldn't last a month in a prison camp in the jungle. Your life is stressed if someone is in the left lane doing the speed limit or you have to wait at a light for more than one cycle of green/red.

  10. Careful throwing stones in glass houses - especially when the majority commenting here have/has never EVER been tortured - like Vietnam POWs.

    Best you keep the traitor, loser comments for our Boy Mayor!

  11. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    This generals comment is disgusting and shameful.

    May 11, 2018 at 2:18 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    You armchair warriors wouldn't last a month in a prison camp in the jungle. Your life is stressed if someone is in the left lane doing the speed limit or you have to wait at a light for more than one cycle of green/red.

    May 11, 2018 at 5:49 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Careful throwing stones in glass houses - especially when the majority commenting here have/has never EVER been tortured - like Vietnam POWs.

    Best you keep the traitor, loser comments for our Boy Mayor!

    May 11, 2018 at 6:10 PM

    Another one who can't handle the truth. And what would you know about any torture, much less in Veit Nam? Go back to playing your video games and let the adults talk.

  12. I was a POW and the North Vietnamese used to say to us,
    "Why you not be like Mr. McCain, he tell us everything he know?"

  13. I spent thirty months flying reconnaissance missions in the northern part of south Vietnam, across the DMZ into North Cietnam, and in Laos. I am not an “ arm chair warrior “. I barely made it out alive and am grateful even today foe a commander who sent me home on emergency leave just to get me out of the country in Sep 72 and probably saved my life. Our crew members didn’t want to fly with me any longer because they thought my luck had run out. That being said, I think that McCain is a fraud and a traitor. It is not heroic to be shot down and give up to the enemy. I was fully prepared to die if I found myself in that situation and would have made the North Vietnamese pay a high price before I died. I think McCain is a disgusting slime ball and the fact that he has pulled the wool over the eyes of so many ignorant voters really hacks me off. I don’t feel that I am any sort of hero, but I went up every day and did my duty ignoring small arms fire, anti aircraft guns, heat speaking missiles, SAMs and what ever else they could throw at me. Google “ Lady Ace 72. I was the recon pilot that found the USMC crew after two and a half hours looking for them in the area where they had just been shot down with the loss of almost 50 troops on board.This was an every day occurrence and I was convinced that I would not survive til the end of my tour. With that being said, you McCain supporters can shove it!

  14. Anonymous said...
    This generals comment is disgusting and shameful.

    May 11, 2018 at 2:18 PM

    and you are a Douche Bag Puss! He's a coward and always has been. Good for the General.

  15. Anonymous said...
    He later just blabbed top secret stuff to the enemy. He told locations of secret air bases, fuel depots, ammo supplies, prisoner compounds, troop numbers, ships armament and defences. He turned in his fellow POW's when they planned a escape.
    He just turned over documents that he had to special prosecutors to help them go after Trump. Once a traitor, always a traitor!
    I am so happy he is dying!

    May 11, 2018 at 4:00 PM

    Amen! I studied that Song Bird so I know he is a traitor.

  16. Anonymous said...
    You armchair warriors wouldn't last a month in a prison camp in the jungle. Your life is stressed if someone is in the left lane doing the speed limit or you have to wait at a light for more than one cycle of green/red.

    May 11, 2018 at 5:49 PM

    Speak for yourself you little Twit! I've endured more pain and suffering and I never screamed out top secret information like McCain did.

  17. Anonymous Pat said...
    I was a POW and the North Vietnamese used to say to us,
    "Why you not be like Mr. McCain, he tell us everything he know?"

    May 11, 2018 at 9:12 PM

    I heard...

  18. My Father retired from the USN and he was a 23-year career veteran. Spent many years on Air Craft Carriers in Korea and Vietnam. My Father told me a lot about that criminal and knows he should have been put in front of a firing squad.

  19. You old has beens will be dead soon and the rest of us can get on life without hate towards our fellow man.

  20. 7:07 Put down the meth pipe your brain is fried enough.


  21. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    My Father retired from the USN and he was a 23-year career veteran. Spent many years on Air Craft Carriers in Korea and Vietnam. My Father told me a lot about that criminal and knows he should have been put in front of a firing squad.

    May 12, 2018 at 1:27 AM

    And that's pure BS. How would someone based on a floating bird farm have any info about what was happening in the Hanoi Hilton?

  22. Lots of anonymous heroes weighing in on this I see.


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