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Thursday, May 17, 2018

President: Prosecute Oakland mayor for tipping off illegal immigrants to ICE raid

President Trump blasted California's sanctuary state law for providing safe haven for illegal immigrant drug dealers, gang members, and "some of the most vicious and violent offenders on earth," pledging to redouble his administration's efforts to deport illegal immigrants who commit crimes.

Trump on Wednesday met with more than a dozen conservative California officials and sheriffs who oppose the state's Democrat-led efforts to block local law enforcement's cooperation with federal immigration authorities.

The president thanked the "courageous mayors and sheriffs and local leaders" from across the state who, he said, "bravely resisted California's deadly and unconstitutional sanctuary state laws."

"The state of California's attempt to nullify federal law has sparked a rebellion by patriotic citizens who want their families protected and their borders secured," he told the group of California officials gathered at the White House for the meeting.

Early on in the meeting, he also suggested to Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who was sitting nearby, that he "look into obstruction of justice" charges against Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf.


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