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Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Pedestrian Deaths Are Rising. One Big Reason? SUVs

Local leaders are trying to figure out how to respond to the growing number of SUV-related fatalities while more Americans are choosing bigger cars.

As the number of pedestrian deaths continues to climb nationwide, a recent report highlighted one likely contributor that's only likely to get worse: a growing number of fatal SUV-pedestrian crashes.

Deadly SUV crashes are increasing at a far higher rate than crashes with any other type of vehicle. Fatal SUV-pedestrian collisions increased by 81 percent between 2009 and 2016, compared to 46 percent for all vehicles.

Fatal collisions with cars went up 41 percent in the same time, while they increased 32 percent with trucks and 15 percent with minivans and vans.



  1. well maybe they could just assign some of the fatalities to the smaller cars so they don't feel left out!

  2. When I read posts like this I think about a car that my father bought for me in 1969 for $10 sitting along the highway near Easton.At first glance it looked like a Renault,but it turned out to be one of less than 50 Henney Kilowatts'ever built.It was a great electric car for the era.I referred to it as my "360",because it was made in 1960,went 60 mph,and had a range of 60 miles.

  3. Easy fix! We just need to confiscate all SUVs and outlaw them. It is clear to any reasonable person that SUVs kill people.

  4. The big reason? Cell phones. Both driver and pedestrian use.

  5. People are choosing Larger vehicles?

    That's rubbish. The larger vehicles of today are smaller then the vehicles on the 1960s and 70s.

    The problem is the entitlement mentality of pedestrians.


    1. Yeah, Loser pedestrians strutting around like they are somebody. smdh

  6. I have to agree with cellphones. Then there are the tiny people (mostly women) driving SUVs so big that they can't see over the hood.

  7. I don't believe SUVs are killing pedestrians. We have immigrants that Jay walk. We have cell phones and computers contributing. Foreigners who can not read English especially road signs. I have owned 4 4Runners in my life and have not had one accident. Don't believe you can plan SUVs.

    1. crossing a street safely is not something only English speakers can accomplish. In non English speaking countries people cross the street without getting hit. I went to Japan and didn’t get run over even though I can’t understand Japanese

  8. 7:53 try that in oc!


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