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Tuesday, May 08, 2018

On 'Russian Collusion,' Trump Will Win...Big Time

The winds of the special counsel are blowing hard. A big tempest is brewing, and it's not clear what is happening. Nobody really knows, other than perhaps Mueller and a few other insiders, one probably being Donald Trump and his counsel. One thing seems certain: there will be a lot of surprises in the end.

The two general theories:

1. Mueller is a tool of the Deep State, allied with Comey and the left, a black hat appointed by powerful people who won't stop this investigation until the removal or neutering of Trump. A lot of smart people are invested in this narrative. You can cite a lot of facts and informative stories that demonstrate the reality of this theory. Most, but not all, on the right believe some version of this Deep State plot.

2. This investigation is a well planned, quietly effective smokescreen to ferret out major groups of people in the swamp and the Deep State. It targets people doing illegal and unethical things. This would include the Clintons and many of the leading players in the Obama-Clinton regime. There are a lot of known facts and indicators that point to this being the true narrative as well.

The tipping point is close now. We will know soon. My bet is on the latter – mainly because there is zero evidence, not a scintilla of proof that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia or did anything wrong.


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