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Tuesday, May 08, 2018

Oklahoma Senate Concurs with House: 2nd Amendment Is Your Carry Permit

The Oklahoma Senate concurred with the House and voted to abolish the requirement that a law-abiding Oklahoma resident acquire a concealed permit in order to carry a gun for self-defense.

On April 26, Breitbart News reported that the Oklahoma House overcame Democratic opposition to pass permitless carry and now the Senate has followed suit.

The Hill reports that the Senate passed the measure by a vote of 33 to nine. If signed into law, it means legal gun owners 21 years and older will be able to carry their guns without first acquiring a permit from the state.

State Sen. Kevin Matthews (D-11) opposed the legislation, arguing that people ought to be required to get a permit for a gun just as they are required to get a license to drive a car. But state Sen. Nathan (R-33), the sponsor of the permitless carry legislation, refuted Matthews by pointing out that the Second Amendment protects a constitutional right to bear arms, not a constitutional right to drive cars.



  1. And as good Republicans we should respect States Rights. Which leads to each State having their own laws. Which leads to disallowing cross state carry. What happen to Harris on States rights?

  2. Now I am all for the right to bear arms, however after meeting some of our more intellectually challenged citizens it would be nice to have a little education when the pull of a trigger could be life or death.

  3. How about raising the age to 21 since 18 yo can't get a full carry ?

  4. Thank God we have educated people to tell us which rights they think others should have available to them.
    Together, with Nazi wanna-be's and the cheeleaders, they pretty much have it nailed down when it comes to how EVERYONE ELSE needs to live. If we would only submit their perfection.
    How about the OTHER rights? What part of them (maybe all???) should we restrict to only those people we think NEED them or should be allowed to exercise?
    Lastly, ANY politician (or citizen) who speaks that stupid "you need a license for a car" idiocy should be publicly whipped.
    They have no idea, no clue, not even a vague hint concerning our history, our laws, or the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
    Keep cheering.

  5. Liberal Hogan did not even attempt to lessen the requirements in MD or even make MD reciprocity with other States. I have an email from Hogan's Homeland security man that contradicts Hogan's claim he was a 2A supporter. It tells of Hogan's lies and non-support of the 2A. Marylanders deserve better.

  6. Backstabber Hogan aka Dem.

  7. Move to OK if you don't like our Governor or laws. Please stop whining because you aren't successful enough to get a MD permit.


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