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Thursday, May 03, 2018

Officer Rescues Baby Girl Left In Hot Car For Hours

PRINCE GEORGE’S CO., Md. (WJZ) — A Prince George’s County Police Department officer managed to save a one-and-a-half year old girl who was left in a hot car after the person taking care of her was found unconscious.

Hours before the girl was found, Corporal Darryl Wormuth found a man in the 3600 block of Parkway Terrace Dr. in Suitland, who was lying face down in a grassy area.

Medical personnel were called to the scene, and the corporal also noticed a lanyard around the man’s neck that had keys and a car key fob.

Wormuth pushed the panic button on the car key fob, but no alarms went off in the three nearby parking lots.



  1. Mainstream media will not talk about this.

    1. You sure about that? I saw it on TV this morning.
      Do your research before you spout off.

  2. What about the arrest of the useless POS parent?

  3. Whoever was with her in the car was found passed out a few blocks away. This is definitely a story that needs a follow up. Why was he passed out? A medical condition or drugs?

  4. Those welfare mom's tut Tut.

  5. Meth or crack head.

  6. Take the kids and tie the tubes!

  7. 5:09 harvest their organs!


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