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Wednesday, May 09, 2018

NY gubernatorial candidate Cynthia Nixon says legalizing pot could be ‘reparations’ for blacks

New York gubernatorial candidate and actress Cynthia Nixon suggested that legalizing marijuana on a statewide basis could, in effect, serve as “reparations” for African-Americans.
So … how does she figure?

On Saturday, Nixon spoke at the Cannabis Parade in Union Square, and, according to Forbes, said that the state could, perhaps, give back to the black community by legalizing pot and ensuring that the black community received the first crack at obtaining marijuana licenses after legalization.

“Now that cannabis is exploding as an industry, we have to make sure that those communities that have been harmed and devastated by marijuana arrests get the first shot at this industry,” Nixon explained. “We [must] prioritize [the black community] in terms of licenses. It’s a form of reparations.”

“Arresting people – particularly people of color — for cannabis is the crown jewel in the racist war on drugs and we must pluck it down,” Nixon told the crowd. “We must expunge people’s records; we must get people out of prison.”



  1. She's been smoking too much already!

  2. I can't stand Democrats, but I would love to see her beat Cuomo the Homo!

  3. In the 1930s, weed was put on the prohibition list to control blacks and Mexicans. It went on to punish everyone who used it, regardless of color, with fines, jail and ostracism. It is part of our nation's shame, a shame the U.S. shares with all of the countries it forced into adopting its insane cannabis laws.

  4. "...would love to see her beat Cuomo the Homo!"

    Umm, Cynthia Nixon is a well known, world class lesbian.

  5. Insane in the brain..insane in the membrane

  6. Make sure to credit all the welfare, obamapnones, snap, free rent, medical care payments and so on against your 'reparations'.

    1. Free electric.

      They owe us the TAXPAYER.


  7. 'Actress' which means she spouts lines written by others. Her 15 minutes were up quite a while back but she neglected to read the memo.


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