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Wednesday, May 09, 2018

No matter how much money states spend on education, results stay same

The costs of sending students through school have more than tripled in real terms over the past 40 years, yet despite the billions of extra taxpayers dollars being spent, the results students are achieving show almost no improvement.

Andrew Coulson who conducted the study believes the answer is simple - that there's no discernible correlation between spending and results.

'What we’ve done over the past 40 years hasn’t worked,' said Coulson, director of the Center For Educational Freedom at the CATO Institute.



  1. Since there is no improvement in students learning, then "NO Mo Money". Make money designated for education is based on improved learning for the children. Educational leaders deserve pay cuts since they are failing the responsibilities. Poor work performance deserves poor pay.

  2. every time more money is demanded <"it's for the children".

    And then there are a half toal superintendents in WCBOE making a total of one million dollars.

    And I'm still waiting for someone to tell me why parents who homeschool and have no degree turn out smart kids.

    Mr Bob

  3. 100 % Correct, Mr. Bob !

  4. It's sort of like how miserable those big cities are that have been run by Democrats for fifty or eighty years. Money isn't the problem. Leadership is.

    1. No the thugs are also the problem they Both are too blame.

    2. No the thugs are also the problem they Both are too blame.

  5. Until parents establish to their children how important an education is there will never be a change. It starts at home well before the child attends his/her first day of school.

  6. Our country turns out some of the stupidest grads in the world. Testing against grads from other 1st. world countries ours test in the bottom 3rd.
    Then there are the high priced degrees that are turned out. Most UMES grads with degrees can't even read or write, much less communicate in proper English!

  7. But all the teachers say they can do a better job if they just get paid more (and more, and more....). Then they get more money, and the results don't change. Don't believe your friends and neighbors, that are teachers, when they tell you supporting tax increases to fund teacher pay raises, is for the children.

  8. I'm a teacher. More money DOES NOT EQUAL SMARTER KIDS. Most of it is wasted on administration or wasteful useless programs.

  9. Stop protecting incompetent teachers and trouble making students. Students will start learning again.

  10. School vouchers on the ballot yet. Lets start the petition

  11. The best thing that could happen to benefit the educational process is a good swat or two on the rear end during the terrible-twos if needed, and the inclusion of the phrases "yes, sir and yes, ma'am" in the child's vocabulary at home. A marked improvement in the educational process at school would follow. Sadly, too many so-called "parents" see this as abuse and not the teachings of respect and the difference between right and wrong.


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