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Tuesday, May 08, 2018

Melania Bullied After Be Best Campaign Speech

First Lady Melania Trump revealed her signature campaign to combat bullying and drug use Monday afternoon at the White House, and the internet reacted by making fun of her accent.

The campaign, called “BE BEST,” is aimed at creating a healthy lifestyle for students on social media and in the classroom as well as preventing opioid abuse among students. In her speech at the White House, Melania said:

“There are too many critical issues facing children today so the three main pillars of BE BEST will include well-being, social media use, and opioid abuse. We can and should teach children the important of social and self-awareness, positive relationship skills, and responsible decision making.”



  1. I figured she would be after I heard her speak.

  2. Leftist haters can't stand a beautiful, smart conservative lady so they gotta hate. Melaniphobic, Melanist lets give them a name.

  3. Twice she was caught plagiarizing


  4. 4:22 Plagiarizing is making use of someone else' original thoughts, generally written materials, with out giving proper attribution, and passing them off as your own creation.

    Your hero Joe Biden was expelled from Syracuse Law for plagiarizing, and readmitted a year later. In his 2008 flopped presidential run he tried to pass off ideas from a British politician as his own, and was caught.

    Michelle Obama had a large staff and likely used them to help form, shape and deliver ideas she is credited with. Obviously most were not her sole creation, and we'd be surprised if they were. Melania Trump has a much smaller staff, and it's also likely that they helped shape and frame her plans. Again, she'd be silly not to use her resources.

    Bottom line: Her objectives are laudable worthwhile. Wishing her good results will help all of us.

  5. Shucks! Chumped again!


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