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Sunday, May 13, 2018

Maryland governor plans to sign free community college bill into law

Maryland is set to become the latest state to cover the cost of community college tuition for its residents, as Gov. Larry Hogan (R) plans to sign into law a measure ushering in the program, his office said Friday.

“Since taking office, the Hogan administration has been committed to increasing access to quality, affordable higher education for Maryland students,” said Amelia Chasse, Hogan’s spokeswoman. “The governor remains committed to helping more students achieve their educational goals and looks forward to signing this bill into law.”

[Maryland lawmakers pass scholarship bill for community college students]

The legislation, approved by the General Assembly in the final minutes of the 2018 session, provides scholarships of up to $5,000 to students whose families earn less than $125,000 a year and adults earning less than $90,000. It is a last-dollar program, meaning the state would cover tuition left over after factoring in other scholarships and grants.

To qualify, prospective students must enroll in one of Maryland’s 16 community colleges within two years of finishing high school or obtaining a GED. Students must take 12 credit hours of courses and have a high school grade point average of 2.3. Lawmakers estimate the program will cost $15 million a year. It will go into effect in 2019.



  1. Makes sense to have free CC after all what used to be taught for free through the 12th grade now takes 2 years of CC to learn. The AA degree of today is the same as a HS diploma in the 60's and 70's.

  2. GPA of 2.3? So, fill colleges with people who don't deserve to be there.

  3. To 10:13 AM Poster - I say go ahead and give-a-way a 4 year decreed program. And while your at it, expand the K-1 through 12 to include every infant that is able to walk. And while your at it, might as well through in the Section 8 housing, food stamps, public transportation vouchers.

    Hell, it's no wonder our Country is 21 trillion dollars in debt and climbing exponentially at that. Mark my words, a day of re conning will soon be upon our nation, just wait and see.

    1. Could this be why state retirees are losing their prescription benefits? Money has to come from somewhere, take it out of the old folks pockets, so their grand kids dont have debt. What ever happened to work g your way through college like we did? Oops I said a 4 letter work - work. Kids today dont like that word. Hope I didn't send them all running to their safe room in mom and pops basement.

  4. 10:56 to bad you couldn't understand sarcasm. Also since child care is tax deductible we might as well have free preschool.

  5. If you are an adult making anymore than 50k a year you don't need my tax money to go to wor wic. Hogan you will not get my vote. 90k a year or less to qualify are you freaking kidding me?

  6. Glad I moved. I won’t have to pay for it.

  7. Hey Joe
    How come all colleges have pulled all honoree degrees on BILL COSBY except UMES hmmmmmm ?

  8. Hey Joe
    How come all colleges have pulled all honoree degrees on BILL COSBY except UMES hmmmmmm ?

  9. Concerned RetireeMay 6, 2018 at 11:47 AM

    I say increase State Retiree's check to a living wage. We are making less than minimum wage. Also eliminate our taxes on retirement checks. All this if we make under the exact income requirements you have for this free college BS. By not doing this the State is telling seniors you no longer matter and you don't deserve any type of break in your senior years. This truth hurts Politians so lets see if this is published or ignored.

  10. Great, more money wasted teaching idiots what they should have learned in grade school.

  11. Thank you 10:56. I started to make a comment earlier but didn't feel like a pis-ing contest. We seemed to make out okay in past years when there was less money around. If these people would use their energy to work and not burn it fighting work and figuring ways to get a handout, they would accomplish more. It is sad to look ahead, even scary. I hope I'm wrong.

  12. In Wicomico County you can go for free if you are on free and reduced meals. I had to pay for my son. Whoever said it was right. Since they refused to learn it in high school we might as well pay for some more for them. While in free school they're also going to be eligible for more welfare on our dime. Can't wait to move to a red state.

    1. Who’s this “they” &”them” you are referring to?
      Can me black or African American. I least I can respect you for saying what you mean. Can’t help you with you’re ignorance though. You own that.

  13. You can have a 2.3 average just for showing up these days.

  14. 10:56 Here's why there is 21 trillion in debt:
    "Forty-five billion dollars. That’s how much the Pentagon says the Afghan war is costing American taxpayers, and with no end in sight they may have to keep footing that bill for years to come." $45 billion per year!

  15. Anonymous...

    Makes sense to have free CC after all what used to be taught for free through the 12th grade now takes 2 years of CC to learn. The AA degree of today is the same as a HS diploma in the 60's and 70's.

    May 6, 2018 at 10:13 AM

    Only a LIBTARD would say giving something away free at someone elses expense would say it 'makes sense.'

  16. Joe did you see this bullsh!t where Jake Day is getting the school kids to raise money for that failing National Folk Festival. I don't pay taxes so that my kids can go to Wicomico County Public Schools and then have them waste valuable time to raise money for Jake Day. Bob Culver needs to get his ass in gear and tell Dr. Hanlin to cut this shit out our the county funding will be cut for schools. The County Council needs to get some balls and stand up to this also. These are county schools, not city schools and no way in this world should our students in our county schools waste their valuable time to raise money for Jake Day and the City of Salisbury.

    Look at the idiots listed at the bottom. Mike Dunn, Michelle Wright, Dick Morris and Stephanie Willey.

    "A new, fun initiative" my A$$.

    They are BEGGING for money and this has gotten pathetic making school kids raise money for something Salisbury can't afford. Jake Day you are a failure.

    If these kids are challenged to raise money then they should be raising money to fund Dr. Hanlin's request for Universal Pre K! This is crazy and has to be stopped. This is Mike Dunn's idea and it has to stop.

    If the City and Jake Day can't afford the National Folk Festival then it should be stopped immediately.

    City, NCTA Announce 2018 High School Challenge

    Salisbury – The City and the National Council for the Traditional Arts (NCTA) are excited to announce a fun new initiative to help raise money to fund the upcoming National Folk Festival in Salisbury, Maryland.

    For three days in September, Salisbury will be the center of national attention. 60-80,000 visitors are expected to come for folk music and art, and explore the beauty and richness of the Delmarva peninsula. The Festival is projected to bring in between $15-30 million dollars in direct spending through hotels, restaurants, and shopping. Over 350 artists will take part in this 3-day FREE festival—with more than 25 different musical groups performing continuously on 7 stages, including a Dance Pavilion, a juried Festival Marketplace, a Family Area, and the Maryland Folklife area

    To help raise the money needed to pull off such a massive undertaking, the City and the NCTA have announced a challenge for local high schools: a friendly competition to raise the most money *by school. Local High Schools will rally their classmates—both current and alumni—to raise funds in the name of their alma mater to help offset the cost of the National Folk Festival. The winning High School(s) will be acknowledged at the Folk Festival, and will have their contribution celebrated with a brick in the Legacy Society wall.

    Contributing in the name of your High School is easy (AND TAX-DEDUCTIBLE) – simply contact your High School Challenge Leader below to submit a pledge or contribution in any amount with your name and school or make a donation online at: https://www.nationalfolkfestival.com/HSC
    Winners will be announced at the Festival for the High School with the 'HIGHEST PARTICIPATION' and the 'MOST MONEY RAISED’.
    Friends and Friendly Competitors - We need your Time, Talent, Treasure!

    Dick Morris, Bennett High School

    Michelle Wright, Mardela High School

    Stephanie Willey, Parkside High School

    Mike Dunn, Wicomico High School

    DORKS^^^ Michelle Wright you are an idiot!

  17. RINO Hogan is catering to the Libtards and the idiots that want something for free just to get re-elected.

    Well not really. I knew along Hogan was a Libtard himself. Just a better choice than Antknee Broun at the time. My vote was for David Craig in the Primary and Hogan was the only choice in the General Election.

  18. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    GPA of 2.3? So, fill colleges with people who don't deserve to be there.

    May 6, 2018 at 10:54 AM

    The biggest waste of money. These idiots don't want to go to college and never study. Wor Wic and their free money scholarship has become a failure with maybe one graduate and she said she is moving to Baltimore.

  19. God, I wish they would stop using the word "free." It's not free. It's subsidized. Someone else is paying for it, unless you can get the teachers to work for nothing and all the books, computers, electricity, etc donated.

  20. Anonymous said...
    If you are an adult making anymore than 50k a year you don't need my tax money to go to wor wic. Hogan you will not get my vote. 90k a year or less to qualify are you freaking kidding me?

    May 6, 2018 at 11:22 AM

    Hogan is a Fake, but if you don't vote for Hogan you might as well vote for a Democrat.

  21. Concerned Retiree said...
    I say increase State Retiree's check to a living wage. We are making less than minimum wage. Also eliminate our taxes on retirement checks. All this if we make under the exact income requirements you have for this free college BS. By not doing this the State is telling seniors you no longer matter and you don't deserve any type of break in your senior years. This truth hurts Politians so lets see if this is published or ignored.

    May 6, 2018 at 11:47 AM

    The Governor and the General Assembly members don't give a rats ass because just like Congress those idiots are set for life.

    1. They do have to be reelected. I'm just old and cranky enough to start voting for thecwackiest candidates and see what the idiots do to the state. I'm becoming John McCain and doing things against my party cause I'm pissed off.

  22. Anonymous said...
    Great, more money wasted teaching idiots what they should have learned in grade school.

    May 6, 2018 at 11:55 AM

    All colleges do is continue the indoctrination.

    Hogan is just buying votes from the entitlement crowd.

  23. Anonymous said...
    You can have a 2.3 average just for showing up these days.

    May 6, 2018 at 12:16 PM

    That's called Common Core! Thanks to the idiots that voted for Obama.

  24. Anonymous said...
    Glad I moved. I won’t have to pay for it.

    May 6, 2018 at 11:27 AM

    You obviously miss it. Looks like you are dying to come back.

  25. Anonymous said...
    10:56 Here's why there is 21 trillion in debt:
    "Forty-five billion dollars. That’s how much the Pentagon says the Afghan war is costing American taxpayers, and with no end in sight they may have to keep footing that bill for years to come." $45 billion per year!

    May 6, 2018 at 12:18 PM

    Said the LIBTARD!!

    No Jack A$$ this is why!

    1) Free and Reduced Meals(FARM) - Over 65% in Wicomico County

    2) Welfare

    3) EBT Cards/Welfare

    4) Medicaid and you idiot LIBTARD want to "Expand Medicaid" meaning Medicaid for all, meaning Socialized Medicine

    5) Illegal Aliens(CBP, Border Patrol, ICE,etc.)

    6) Anchor Babies(Welfare for Life)

    7) Obama encouraging Mexicans to cross the border for free welfare Benefits. Yes he spent money on commercials in Mexico.

    8) Housing vouchers(Used to be The Projects until Obama wanted the lazy slimeballs to live amongst us in our neighborhoods.)

    9) Obama Phone

    10) Jails for the criminal thugs from the Hood and now Mexicanos.

    11) Free College already existing for minorities.

    12) Welfare payments for spending money.

    13) Subsidized housing in other forms.

    Did I miss anything?

  26. This is all phoney baloney. I didn’t get free anything. I worked during the day and went to night school. I EARNED a degree from Hopkins.

  27. The crisis now is not enough blue collar workers

  28. 1:10 You missed the facts and figures. You sound like a rerun of Rush's radio show. BTW, I am a republican business owner. You sound like an uneducated hourly employee that hates life and have no means to change your situation.

  29. 12:37 do you bother reading much. Try reading my comment at 11:09. But of course it makes sense that someone who has such a grasp of language that they have to use the word LIBTARD wouldn't have a high level of reading comprehension.

  30. Joe, this is staying quiet. They have the area taped off. Reports of gun fire. Do you know anything?

    2:42 PM, Delmar, Delaware
    610 N. 2nd Street

  31. I hire people who don't spend their day staring into a cell phone.They can have zero college,because they either have it or they don't.The technological aspect of what we do is overwhelming,but if he/she says they can do it I allow them to have at it with the understanding that they cannot keep their job if they cannot do the work.Last year I hired 2 who had Masters degrees who could not cope.$75,000 starting pay would appear adequate with immediate raises depending on performance,but they could not hang in there with the less educated.Go figure.

    1. I don't believe you.

    2. 349 you hired a person with a masters degree offering 3800 a month after taxes and medical? You don't offer retirement, 401k, 457, stock options or a vehicle. I think maybe your incentive package might be the problem. Just opinion.

    3. @ 359 YOU WILL NOT hire someone using a "advanced technological smart phone"? However You will hire someone with no understanding of technology for a overwhelmingly technological job and if the person can't do the job you will FIRE them. You hired 2 people with MASTERS in technology but they couldn't hang with the technology of your company?? I'm a little confused ON who OR what works for you?!

  32. just watch how the cost of cc will go up now that they all know the state is footing the bill

  33. With governors like Hogan and Democrats we will be broke like California.

  34. SBYNews has not mentioned our Congressmen Andy Harris will be on 92.7 "Talk of Delmarva" at 10 of 8 Monday morning.

  35. Y is the UMES President making $500,000 yr ?

  36. The best and brightest leave here and go to schools where the education is secondary to the connections they make. Community colleges are practical. It will be a community college nurse wiping most of your cranky behinds when your rotting in Hospice and a community college grad realtor selling your double wide. Don't worry I don't think education at that level has indoctrinated them into anything too liberal like euthanasia.
    If any of us were that well educated or well too do we would not be wasting our time typing here.

  37. The same goes for the young women. The smart ones go away to school, the pretty ones get married right after high school and that leaves the dumb and ugly ones for the picking.


    It's 2:40 AM and Station 1 and Paramedic 1 is being dispatched for a shooting at 218 Hall Drive. Reported that SPD is on the scene and the scene is secure

    Paramedic 1 advises Responding at 2:41 AM

    Truck 2 advises Responding at 2:43 AM

    Central tells Paramedic A-1 to Contact the office public service please(don't know what the secret is that they can't say it over the air.)

    Another shooting in Salisbury. I guess Jake Day is going to have this one classified as an "Assault" again. Can't have the Foke Festivus Peoples find out that Salisbury is the most crime-ridden small town in the Country.

    Paramedic 1 advises on location at 2:47 AM.

    Truck 1 advises on location 121 A has command at 2:47 AM

    Took them long enough to get there and Paramedic 1 had a 2-minute jump on the Truck with the sleepy head Firemen. What's up with that?

    Hall Drive Command advises to Central under Control. Central advise PRMC that we have a 6-year-old trauma Priority 1 @ 2:56 AM. Sounds like he said 6 year old? WTH is up with a 6-year-old getting shot?

    Paramedic A-1 advises Transporting and upgrading staffing to 4 at 3:00 AM. Thirteen minutes on scene with a shooting is extremely way too long. If they have 4 people in that ambulance there is no reason that one person could drive and the other 3 work on the patient. They aren't doing surgery so there isn't any reason this wasn't a Load and Go scenario. That is basic trauma life support. Stay and play isn't an option when you have a shooting, especially if it is a 6-year-old. The only treatment required is a backboard, oxygen, IV, and attach to the heart monitor. Why couldn't they do that en route to the hospital and allow that patient to have at least 5 more minutes for real doctors to save the patients life?

    Hall Drive Command advises Truck 1 is en route to the hospital unavailable at 3:02 AM

    Paramedic A-1 advises they are arriving at PRMC at 3:05 AM. That was a 5 minute ETA to the hospital.

    Truck 1 advises they are arriving at PRMC at 3:05 AM. That was a 3 minute ETA to the hospital.

    Paramedic 1 gets to the hospital in 5 minutes and Truck 1 gets there in 3 minutes?? WTH is up with that?? Truck 1 is supposed to drive to the hospital without lights and siren and follow all rules of the road. Paramedic 1 is required to respond to the hospital with lights and siren because it is a priority 1 patient and it takes them 5 minutes and Truck 1 gets to the hospital in 3 minutes and they should have been driving the speed limit?? Those are the facts, ladies and gentleman. I am working at another station and wide awake and documenting this call. Something is wrong with this picture!!

    This is why Salisbury needs another Fire Chief that has real EMS experience. Maybe it's time to hire outside the department again!


    May 7, 2018 @ 2:40 AM

    It's 2:40 AM and Station 1 and Paramedic 1 is being dispatched for a shooting at 218 Hall Drive. Reported that SPD is on the scene and the scene is secure

    Paramedic 1 advises Responding at 2:41 AM

    Truck 2 advises Responding at 2:43 AM

    Central tells Paramedic A-1 to Contact the office public service please(don't know what the secret is that they can't say it over the air.)

    Another shooting in Salisbury. I guess Jake Day is going to have this one classified as an "Assault" again. Can't have the Foke Festivus Peoples find out that Salisbury is the most crime-ridden small town in the Country.

    Paramedic 1 advises on location at 2:47 AM.

    Truck 1 advises on location 121 A has command at 2:47 AM

    Took them long enough to get there and Paramedic 1 had a 2-minute jump on the Truck with the sleepy head Firemen. What's up with that?

    Hall Drive Command advises to Central under Control. Central advise PRMC that we have a 6-year-old trauma Priority 1 @ 2:56 AM. Sounds like he said 6 year old? WTH is up with a 6-year-old getting shot?

    Paramedic A-1 advises Transporting and upgrading staffing to 4 at 3:00 AM. Thirteen minutes on scene with a shooting is extremely way too long. If they have 4 people in that ambulance there is no reason that one person could drive and the other 3 work on the patient. They aren't doing surgery so there isn't any reason this wasn't a Load and Go scenario. That is basic trauma life support. Stay and play isn't an option when you have a shooting, especially if it is a 6-year-old. The only treatment required is a backboard, oxygen, IV, and attach to the heart monitor. Why couldn't they do that en route to the hospital and allow that patient to have at least 5 more minutes for real doctors to save the patients life?

    Hall Drive Command advises Truck 1 is en route to the hospital unavailable at 3:02 AM

    Paramedic A-1 advises they are arriving at PRMC at 3:05 AM. That was a 5 minute ETA to the hospital.

    Truck 1 advises they are arriving at PRMC at 3:05 AM. That was a 3 minute ETA to the hospital.

    Paramedic 1 gets to the hospital in 5 minutes and Truck 1 gets there in 3 minutes?? WTH is up with that?? Truck 1 is supposed to drive to the hospital without lights and siren and follow all rules of the road. Paramedic 1 is required to respond to the hospital with lights and siren because it is a priority 1 patient and it takes them 5 minutes and Truck 1 gets to the hospital in 3 minutes and they should have been driving the speed limit?? Those are the facts, ladies and gentleman. I am working at another station and wide awake and documenting this call. Something is wrong with this picture!!

    This is why Salisbury needs another Fire Chief that has real EMS experience. Maybe it's time to hire outside the department again!

    1. the author of scanner news does not understand scanner lingo well enough to interpret what is coming over the scanner, therefore is not the authority one should turn to on the replacement of a fire chief. by the way LEO reported a different event than "scanner master" did. Unlike most who comment on here, I have great respect for LEO.

  40. This is exactly why I quit working, cashed out all assets and went on the public dole. This Government has stolen my tax money for 40 years to redistribute as they see fit. NOT for the greater good. I am getting every penny back!

  41. Mind your own business. If you know so much, then apply for the chief job.

  42. 12:41 I asked a question on the Downtown Salisbury Facebook about parking for this Folklife festival and got a snotty remark. They told me that they are expecting between 100,000 to 200,000 people to attend, lol. They will use a shuttle service to the event because they would be unable to handle parking for that many people. What a joke.

  43. 3:24am needs to lay off the booze. No child was shot. 38yo male brought a knife to a gun fight with 2 troopers.

  44. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    GPA of 2.3? So, fill colleges with people who don't deserve to be there.

    May 6, 2018 at 10:54 AM

    Who doesn't deserve to be educated in your mind? Everyone should be educated, it makes life easier. A lot of commenters on here could stand a little education. You don't want to be educated and you will hold anyone back who does so you have company on your low education level.

    Typical eastern shore attitudes. Just like a pot of crabs about to be steamed to death. When one tries to escape, another one on the bottom grabs it and brings it back into the pot to die with the rest of them.

    Maybe you guys should eat more fish and less crabs.

  45. $15 million? That's probably the lowest single expenditure for any Maryland program. Heck, it's about the same as the SU president, right? Seriously, this could be a good thing.
    Shoot, I wish it was around when I went to school.

  46. America is overloaded with college degrees. Learn a technical trade. Art Appreciation or African American Studies are no down to a nickel a dozen.

  47. Nothig is free folks. Another case of liberal policy that places their hands in your pocket looking for your wallet.

  48. Hogan the LIBUTARD. TAXPAYERS going up.

  49. Take from the working class and give to those who don't work the Democrats mantra.

  50. How about a free week off to all the full time hard working women and men paid for buy the liberal party.

  51. Great to see - giving away yet another free program at the cost to taxpayers. Whatever happened to having to WORK for it as I did and many others. Attending night school as an alternative. Causing others to be weak because ones own feeling of self-guilt is NOT the answer. It only creates weakness of character and having to rely on others rather than doing for yourself.

  52. Give them all basketball scholarships. I know they don't have a basketball team but who cares.

  53. Better than the $20 million being spent on heroin addicts in MD.


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