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Thursday, May 17, 2018

Jobless in Seattle

Here’s irony for you: Seattle is penalizing the companies most responsible for employing people while rewarding the city officials most responsible for creating a crisis of homelessness. What do we mean? We’re referring to Seattle’s new “head tax” of $275 per full-time employee for companies earning at least $20 million in annual revenue. Nearly 600 employers will be hit by the tax, which was dialed back from the initially proposed $500 per job. It was unanimously passed by the Democrat-run city council this week with the ostensible aim of raising nearly $50 million per year to pay for affordable housing and other “homeless services” — services needed because Democrat policies cause poverty. Seattle and King County, “home” to the third-highest number of homeless people in America, already spent $200 million on the problem last year.

The resurrected and greatly expanded tax is significant for two reasons: First, and most important, it serves as a Democrat model for other cities. Democrats always aim to punish the successful so they can redistribute to their favored constituency groups in return for votes and, thus, power..

More here


  1. I'd like to see a list of the Democrat overlords' salaries........

  2. You get what you deserve... Maybe if you all would grow the f up and stand the f up and fight back, recall these scum bags you might be able to fix the problem but no, you are to stupid, fat or lazy or all... You rather burdened, you rather pay high taxes, you rather be homeless than to be inconvenienced a little bit to fight back... You all simply put, rather be slaves!!!!

    I don't know what it is, the food, the water or your genetics, as to why you people are so stupid, to think none of this stuff would affect you in any way at any time... You do realize, more taxes, and fees, the less money you have to spend on things you want and NEED, which eventually will pass each other, and you too could lose your house or certain possessions, but I guess right now, as long as you have the new iStone, and are not directly affected yet, it doesn't bother you...

    Maybe this will happen to SBY, maybe it should happen to SBY... I am sure I can convince the mayor to implement this crap... It wouldn't be like you all would fight against it, you would more than likely let it happen and then just complain about it after you let it happen...

  3. Ehh, i think this is stupid (as most liberal policies are) but homelessness is not usually caused by "liberal policies" unless addiction and untreated mental health issues qualify. Which they do not, sorry.

  4. I hope the Salisbury mayor & council don’t see this....

  5. Dub move just like MD ..watch those bussinees leave for a better deal

  6. Looks like to me they are biting off the hand that feeds them. If these companies pull out the rest of the people that are working will be without jobs. What do they do then, be controlled by the Democrats and government????? Maybe that is what the real reason is for it.


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