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Thursday, May 17, 2018

House Committee Approves Harris Amendment to Prioritize Dredging in Maryland’s First District

WASHINGTON DC: On May 16, the House Committee on Appropriations marked up the FY19 Energy and Water Appropriations bill. Congressman Andy Harris, M.D. (MD-01) authored, and the committee passed, an amendment to prioritize funding for dredging projects in shallow channels, particularly in channels where shoaling can create hazardous barriers to maritime travel. Congressman Harris issued the following statement applauding the adoption of his amendment:

“The inclusion of this amendment in the FY19 Energy and Water Appropriations bill is a victory for coastal communities in Maryland’s First District and across the country. Shoaling is a serious issue for several coastal communities in Maryland’s First District. Recently, maritime travel and commerce in Dorchester County have been severely hindered by shoaling in the Honga River and Tar Bay Gap. My amendment ensures that hazards like the shoaling in these channels receive priority consideration for dredging by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. To further support these coastal communities, this year’s Energy and Water Appropriations bill increases funding for dredging shallow channels by 20 percent.

Small businesses in Dorchester County depend on the use of these channels, and I’m committed to working with the Army Corps of Engineers to restore the safe navigability of the Honga River and Tar Bay Gap.”

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