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Tuesday, May 08, 2018

Homeschoolers: ‘We Will Not Be Scapegoats’ for the Failure of Government Agencies

Homeschooling families on both coasts of the United States say they are being blamed by state bureaucrats attempting to burden them with intrusive regulations following the failure of government agencies and public schools to protect children from serious child abuse.

In California, nearly a thousand homeschooling parents traveled to attend a legislative committee hearing in Sacramento to defeat a bill that sought first to mandate fire inspections of their homes and then to demand private information about the names and addresses of homeschooling families.

The bill was proposed following the horrific case of the Turpin parents who said they were homeschooling their children when all the while they were torturing and starving them.

In Connecticut, as in California, government bureaucrats are attempting to regulate homeschooling families following a tragedy that was not about homeschooling, at the same time they claim they are not attacking parents who choose to educate their children at home.

More here


  1. But we need Universal Pre K, just ask John Cannon and Donna Hanlin.

  2. And this doesn't happen in the government/public system! Good grief; use your collective heads, common sense. You just want TOTAL Control over anyone that doesn't go along with your evil ways. LEAVE US ALONE. We the people Pay you to protect and maintain roads, transportation, etc. NOTHING more!!!


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