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Monday, May 14, 2018

Grassley Demands Sit-Down With Mystery FBI Agent To Discuss Flynn "302" Forms

  • Last week, an unredacted House Intel Committee report revealed that former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe told Congressional investigators that the FBI had virtually no case against former National Security Advisor Mike Flynn, and "The two people who interviewed [Flynn] didn't think he was lying[.]" 
  • "[N]ot [a] great beginning of a false statement case." McCabe told the Committee. 
  • The same House Intel report revealed that James Comey contradicted himself in a Fox News interview when he denied telling lawmakers those agents thought Flynn was telling the truth, when in fact he did. 
  • There is an unconfirmed rumor that McCabe instructed agents to alter their "302" forms from the Flynn interview, effectively changing their written accounts. 
  • Now, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) says Comey also told them the FBI thought Flynn was telling the truth - only to say the opposite on Fox.
  • Grassley is now zeroing in on the Flynn interview - and has demanded the "302" forms, as well as a sit-down with Special Agent Joe Pientka - who Grassley revealed as the second FBI agent in the Flynn interview aside from Peter Strzok
  • Grassley is also demanding a transcript of the reportedly intercepted calls between Flynn and former Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak central to the Flynn case. 
Republican Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa is getting to the bottom of things, and some think he's laying out a path to exonerate former National Security Advisor Mike Flynn - who pleaded guilty of lying to the FBI over his contacts with former Russian Ambassador Sergei Kislyak.
It has been suggested that the FBI set Flynn up, and his admission of guilt could have been to avoid sure financial ruin trying to fight the Special Counsel. Others say Flynn was protecting his son, Michael Flynn Jr., who served as his father's aide for his consulting company, Flynn Intel Group.


  1. Dave T: This whole investigation is not only a permanent blemish on our nations most respected law enforcement agency, it's also on ongoing irritant to the American public, which has to stand and watch one grave injustice after another throughout this entire debacle. My view of the FBI and law enforcement is forever changed. Thank you James Comey for destroying the public trust and good faith in law enforcement all for the sake of your own personal ignorance and political agenda. Justice will not be served until you are incarcerated along with your other accomplices. It is truly disgraceful and saddening to see each headline getting worse than the last with each passing day. You should be ashamed of yourself James Comey !

  2. First of all, thank you, 321, but James Comey and his friends have no shame of their destruction of the integrity of the FBI and everything it stood for, please note the past tense in my statement. I agree that he has destroyed the credibility of the organization and it has infected many layers down and will take more than a little bit to regain any shred of credibility over the next few years.

    What a shame to totally lose such a once great organization.


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