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Monday, May 28, 2018

FOP has dueling endorsements

In elections, endorsements matter, and if you’re running for state’s attorney in Worcester, having the endorsement of law enforcement personnel is paramount.

But Worcester has two Fraternal Order of Police lodges, and each has chosen a different candidate to back for the June 26 primary. Lodge 10 (Ocean City) picked Kris Heiser, while Lodge 50 (Worcester County) chose to endorse Bill McDermott.

They did not vote on endorsements at the same time. Lodge 50 voted first and announced its endorsement of McDermott before Lodge 10’s process had finished. McDermott’s campaign also sent a press release announcing the endorsement.

Lodge 50 apparently didn’t anticipate Lodge 10 voting a different way.

Both lodges are answerable to a state office, which mandates that if there is a disagreement about endorsing a candidate, no public statements are to be given by the orders.

“At the state level, the State Fraternal Order of Police were concerned that the power of an FOP endorsement would be diluted by having two lodges within one county with different endorsements, and so they instructed us to mediate a solution,” Chris Larmore, Lodge 50 president, said.



  1. Candidates better be careful. A mercenary endorsement could spell disaster.

  2. She was wrong to do this. She is now not trustworthy. She claims she only wanted what was fair. Doesn't matter she agreed to do something and did something else. As far as fairness life is not fair sometimes but that doesn't mean she should go against her word. It's very immature of her and shows she doesn't have not only the maturity level for the job but the professionalism.

  3. So I go to the papers FB to see about this and here is this comment from a Frank Knight.

    Frank Knight Ocean City Today: as you are .apparently backing a public forum for the candidates for Sheriff, you should also include the candidates for States Attorney, a position that is arguably more important than Sheriff"

    Is this clown for real? He must be the husband of that goofy woman on the council-imbeciles of a feather........
    To even suggest one position is more important then the other is beyond comprehension. There are as equally important and just to be clear Moron Knight there is nothing arguably about it.

  4. I guess now there is no question which candidate adheres to the values of integrity and honor. Something important to think about when evaluating who should get your vote.

  5. Bill McDermott is the only true candidate for me.


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