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Saturday, May 26, 2018

FBI Releases Pro-2nd Amendment Report, Cites ‘Preparation’ by Citizens and Police

The FBI recently released a report this past April citing the necessity of Second Amendment rights and the rights of citizens to defend themselves. Their findings showed that almost half of the incidents that involved active shooters were ended by an armed citizen exercising their Second Amendment right. Without these citizens protecting others, these incidents could have escalated to include more severe injuries and even additional deaths.

The Report

The report included information on the 50 active shooter incidents that occurred in the United States between the years of 2016 and 2017. 2016 saw 20 such incidents and 2017 saw a total of 30.

The active shooter incidents included in the report defined an active shooting as an incident as one in which one or more assailants engaged in acts to kill or attempt to kill people in a targeted public area.

The report explained the use for this definition by stating, “the active aspect of the definition inherently implies that both law enforcement personnel and citizens have the potential to affect the outcome of the event based on their responses to the situation.”

Citizen Engagement

Of the 50 total incidents, ten involved the shooter being confronted by non-police citizens. In those incidents, four of them included an armed citizen who stopped the shooting thus ending the incident and prevented more loss of life.

Other incidents involved citizens being able to restrain the shooter until police arrived and one incident involved a citizen stopping a shooter through the use of their vehicle.

These situations show a willingness for citizens to exercise their right to protect themselves as well as innocent people around them to prevent tragedies from becoming even more devastating.



  1. Love THIS..

    Hey Susan Olsen and Jackie Finch of Peace Alliance of the Lower Shore...... this is our rights

  2. As much as some don't like guns, we are a nation founded with human rights, one of those being the right to defend one's self with a weapon that at least approximates that which may be used against an intended victim, i.e., a gun.
    While criminals have or can obtain guns, fairness dictates that self defense weapons should include them.

    Don't bring a knife to a gunfight. The Founding Fathers knew this before it was even a popular phrase.

  3. The Left will leave the citizen part out of the narrative.

  4. There goes the BS Nazi mantra of "when everyone else is running FROM danger, WE run to it".
    Citizens are just as brave and as responsive as anyone else.
    We shoot better, too.

  5. Most just don't understand. We see it every time when someone says "what do you WANT that gun for, or this gun" etc. It's not a question of want, it is a question of need. We NEED to be armed just as well as any police agency, or military unit. Why you ask? Who do you think the government will use (order) to disarm, attack, round us up, put us in camps, etc.?

    You think they are your buddies, that something like that would never happen here, the land of the free and home of the brave. We will cease to be free when everyone ceases to be brave. The police run roughshod over us now, and not many notices or says anything.

    Our military, God bless them, already outgun us. Sure there are some who would not follow those orders but then they would be in the same camps as us. The others would obey. And shoot those who don't on the spot. 70 years ago that happened elsewhere so don't think it would never happen.

    Most bow to police already, never standing up for their rights when the police are wrong. They enforce our laws, that doesn't mean they know the law. They don't follow court decisions. They don't know or care which laws have been ruled illegal until one of their superiors tells them.

    I'm not busting on cops, most are decent people. BUT, they want to keep their job just like anyone else and will do whatever it takes to keep it and not be stripped of their power and be vulnerable like the rest of us.

    These are worst-case scenarios and hopefully well into the future. But when society collapses there are plans that will be utilized to maintain order and keep those in power who implement them.

    Starving, poor people will do whatever they have to to survive also. If that means killing you and your family to get what groceries you have so be it. Brother against brother, remember? (in more ways than one)

    All these recent schools shootings for example. Why all of a sudden are they happening? And at such a rate? As terrible as it sounds and most don't believe it, these shootings are part of the overall ambition to disarm the citizenry. We hear it every day. Ban this, outlaw that. Some people are willingly giving up their rights and protections and coerce others to do the same. They really don't grasp what the outcome will be.

    You don't have to believe me. You can call me a tin foil wearing conspiracy nut or whatever you wish. But before you do, I ask you review history, especially in those areas that did relinquish their weapons.

    Don't let me say I told you so.


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