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Tuesday, May 15, 2018



  1. Well, he was here. And just like a bad cold, if you have one, all you want to do is to get rid of it. Good riddance.

  2. Next up: getting rid of federal "guidelines" and unconstitutional racist school policies (Dear Colleague coercive tactics)

  3. The Kenyan-in-Chief needs to disappear. Perhaps back to his tribal homeland (Kenya or Chicago, his choice). He can wreak havoc on his community all he wants, just go away

  4. I am still concerned about his BRAIN Initiative. Why the focus on brains? What was the purpose? It sounds much like the MK ULTRA project- what was Obama's interest? Was it to sway persuadable (ill-informed) to his liberal ways through his Obamaphone campaign and/or putting anyone with a pulse on an EBT card? See through the lines- you will see the evil hand of liberalism!

  5. Meet the new boss
    Same as the old boss

  6. We have to remember him, no matter what, so that the likes of him are never again put in the White House.


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