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Saturday, May 12, 2018

Disney Stripped ‘A Wrinkle in Time’ of Christianity and Lost $100 Million

Walt Disney, the studio that, on top of its own stellar brands, owns the Star Wars, Pixar, and Marvel franchises, is a money-printing hit machine, but thanks to director Ana DuVernay’s A Wrinkle in Time, it is not a flawless one.

Despite the presence of the some of the biggest stars in the world (Oprah Winfrey, Reese Witherspoon, Chris Pine), despite coming from a children’s novel beloved for decades, despite the second-to-none marketing machine that is the Magic Kingdom, the movie was an economic catastrophe.

Globally, not just here in North America, but worldwide, Wrinkle grossed just $127 million. After tanking out at $96 million domestically, a Disney movie starring Oprah Winfrey was only able to gross an additional $31 million in 20-plus other countries.

With a production and advertising budget that reports peg at somewhere between $150 million and $250 million, that means the red ink landed somewhere between $86 million and $186 million, according to Yahoo News.

As Breitbart News reported at the time, the crucial mistake the filmmakers and Disney made was removing the Christianity from what is essentially a Christian children’s book.



  1. I love having a movie theater all to myself.It makes me feel important.

  2. People don’t like having their fairy tales taken away from the. Same people that didn’t go see it because they took the religious element out went to see the new Avengers movie 6 times. They believe that’s real too.

  3. Disney is going to improve on other features. Aladon will now include free Korans for all movie goers, and to the first 10,000 that come to see the new version, they get a free Prayer Rug!

  4. Just stop it people. The movie didn't do well because it's not a good movie, not because of your persecution complex.

    Need proof? God's not Dead 3 - A light in the Darkness hit theaters around the same time, and was a box office disaster... why? It was a God awful movie, pun intended. The first two installment of the "God's not Dead" series were at least watchable, if not laughable, but they WERE financially successful.... why? There weren't completely terrible.

    It's the free market folks. People won't pay money to see bad movies. It's just that simple Stop it with you fantasy persecution complexes.

    Just stop it all ready. It's boring now.


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