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Tuesday, May 08, 2018

"Death Spiral": Obamacare Premiums May Soar As Much As 91% Next Year

Residents of Maryland and Virginia face double-digit percentage increases in premiums for individual Obamacare plans in 2019, according to rate requests made by insurers.

The largest hikes are being sought by CareFirst, which is seeking a 64% increase in Virginia, and a whopping 91% increase in Maryland for its PPO. Other insurers are following suit in the two states, with Kaiser requesting hikes of 32% and 37% respectively, followed by CareFirst's HMO offering.

In Maryland, CareFirst wants to raise rates by 91 percent on a plan covering 15,000 people, Insurance Commissioner Al Redmer Jr. said. If approved, premiums for a 40-year-old could reach $1,334 a month. -Bloomberg

That's over $16,000 per year for an individual plan in a state with an average personal income of $59,524.



  1. If you like your plan, you can keep it.

  2. Hey Obama saved the world and is a Nobel Peace Prize winner. Come on. How else is he going to put people in poverty while living the life

  3. LMAO..."...an average personal income of $59,524." Where pray tell do they get that income figure? Can only be on the Western Shore where they have businesses that hire AND pay...damned sure NOT the Eastern Shore of MD where you get bar, retail, housekeeping...and the likes for a "job" that all pay jacksh*t. Even county, city, state jobs don't pay much over minimum wage at $23-24K but at least you get some benefits - often HEALTHCARE! If you are under 65, "retired" on SS you'll be MAJOR screwed! I've said it since that frickin' "Odamacare" aka ACA was make "law" ... the HEALTH INSURANCE INDUSTRY SHOULD BE REGULATED and NOT allowed to DISCRIMINATE which they DO based on age/gender.

  4. Are we going to ignore the fact that this was done on purpose by Congress?

  5. 11:19. A few of us actually see the truth.

  6. This was done on purpose by Obama - its intent was to BREAK the white man. Drain every dollar from him.

  7. 11:19 Congress??? this was done by the progressive wing of the Democratic Party. the Republicans are the Spineless wimps that cannot stand up to them

  8. 1107am...uh...check out the payroll for OC's gov't.

  9. Yep.

    "Your guy", too.

    Your "leaders" put that on "We, the people". You cheered like Nazi's at a Hitler rally.
    "Look at all the people who now have insurance!", they loved to say.
    They can't use it and can't pay for it.
    The rest can pay for it but can't afford to use it.
    That monkey pretender of a ex-president should be forced to use it and so should every member of Congress.
    Congress operates under Two Sets of Laws. One for them and one for the serfs (if you have to ask, YOU are a serf).
    Keep cheering.
    It's working out great so far, huh?

  10. Thanks Al Franken and Jonathan Gruber.


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