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Monday, May 28, 2018

David Hogg demands $1 million donation and anti-NRA pledge from Publix

David Hogg is trying to shake down Publix.

The public face of the gun control movement demanded $1 million Thursday from the Florida-based grocery chain in a tweet, just one day after calling for a “die-in” protest at its stores.

Publix is being targeted by Hogg for its support of Adam Putnam, a Republican gubernatorial candidate who is now the state’s agricultural commissioner. The Tampa Bay Times reported earlier this week that Publix had given $670,000 during the last three years to Putnam campaigns.

Hogg not only sought atonement money from the grocery chain in Thursday’s tweet, he also demanded a pledge of ideological fealty to the gun-control movement.

More here


  1. Tell the punk to wish in one hand and crap in the other and report back to us with which one filled up first! Publix is stupid if they cave in to what amounts to blackmail over a non-issue.

  2. Really? Who is David Hogg to make demands of anyone?

  3. Who really cares what a business thinks - as long as they provide good service. I travel to FLA at least 4 times a year and Publix is a very nice grocer. They would do very well here in the NE.

    Care less who they support and what the back outside of selling groceries. Reminds me of the folks who hate Target. I love it, especially when they have sales too good to be true. You haters can hate, while I get the good deals - the best bang for my buck!

  4. Hogg tie this fool.

  5. I demand this guy vanish.

  6. It's past time for his 15 minutes of fame to end.

  7. Will somebody please slap this boy?

  8. He is getting his advise from Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson,,,,,,

  9. Hogg needs to just shut up....Publix need not meet his demands and then go donate that million dollars to the NRA. that would let this little axewipe that he is nobody to demand anybody of anything.

  10. David Hogg and his father work for the intelligence networks (worldwide).
    He is obviously a very important mouthpiece for intelligence and the media (intelligence operations) are giving him a voice to spell out the globalists agendas.

    Listen and learn the agenda.


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