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Thursday, May 03, 2018

CrimeReports Alerts for Salisbury Crime May 01, 2018

Your CrimeReports alert for the day: May 01, 2018.This update includes all incidents added to the map since the last update you received.
Note: Alert areas are calculated using a standard-sized monitor. Depending on the size of your browser window, you may see a different number of incidents when you click the "map incidents" link.
Location: Salisbury Crime
Map Incidents
4 IncidentsMay 01, 2018
Property Crimes1
Quality of Life Crimes2
Violent Crimes1

Due to ongoing investigations, some incidents are not immediately added to the database. These incidents have been added since your last alert.
Property Crimes3

Quality of Life Crimes1

Violent Crimes1


  1. How do we know that this is accurate?

    1. It ain't and is why there needs to be a federal investigation on the pt mayor Jake day.

  2. Those are unbelievably low numbers.

  3. I have called for service twice in the past month. One time Officer (Sgt?) Parsons flat out said he wasn't sending anyone.

    The second time, my wife was working in our yard and a guy was hanging out next to our house and making her uneasy. A female officer told her he probable was fine. No police came.

    They are not there to serve and protect. They are there to punish, extort and put you in a cage if you don't pay up, unless you are one of them.

    1. And Fudge crime #s right JAKE.

  4. If that is all the crime there is, why do we need so many SPD and WCSD officers. Let's cut their budgets.

  5. is it theft or littering to leave an orange bike in an empty parking lot? (there is one in the old survival products parking lot, its been there for over two days)

  6. These figures are way off the mark, the public is not stupid enough to buy this. All anybody has to do is mark your calendar every day with these catagories and total them with all the media outlets available we know the truth.

  7. seems to be a cover up i saw a butt load of cop cars at midnite last saturday night at royal farms and saw nothing on the news or calls for service or anything... seems they are hiding a lot for some reason.

  8. Joe knows the statistics are fake. FAKE NEWS by the administration and rest of the cronies on the high tower, aka: 3rd floor at SPD. Might as well give them a job as comedians, they have more jokes then the comedy channel. It's a MDOP, not a forced entry Burglary. Ask Kaiser, Babs, spinless Kolb/traitor how that works... Fix the numbers... Make the community look safe to others moving in. Parents want to know safe safe their little precious baby at Salisbury University is going to be..hmmm.. Check the sexual offense numbers.. assaults.. Match SU's numbers and Salisbury Police statistics. Betcha they don't MATCH...


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