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Saturday, May 19, 2018

Breaking News: Signs of change in an old English castle: Today's wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle nudges the British royal family into a new era.

A thousand-year-old English castle echoed with the exhortations of a black preacher and a gospel choir on Saturday, as Prince Harry wed Meghan Markle, an American actress, nudging the British royal family into a new era.


  1. The downfall of the monarchy part of the Soros world open boarders plan.

  2. I was embarrassed by the Bishop. No concept of the place he was in and the grandeur of the occasion.

  3. just because she is marrying into the Royal family does not give her the power nor authority to do what ever she wants. She will do and say what ever they want her to. She will not have a life nor mind of her own. Harry now no power, i dont know why she thinks she will have. He is not the heir, he is the spare and with Will and Kates children, they are the heirs. Harry is now 6 down the line and will most likely never see the thrown. Change....yeah not gonna happen because she thinks it will. Diana tired.


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