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Tuesday, May 08, 2018

Breaking News: President Trump will withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal, he told the French president, fulfilling a campaign vow but alienating European allies

President Trump told President Emmanuel Macron of France on Tuesday morning that he plans to announce the withdrawal of the United States from the Iran nuclear deal, according to a person briefed on the conversation.

Mr. Trump’s decision unravels the signature foreign policy achievement of his predecessor, Barack Obama, isolating the United States among its allies and leaving it at even greater odds with its adversaries in dealing with the Iranians.


  1. GOOD bc we would have had to drop a Nuke on them 10 yrs from now no thanks to Treasonous Obama and Kerry.

  2. The only thing Globalist John McCain said that I agreed with was when he said "Bomb Bomb Bomb bomb bomb Iran"

  3. Thank you Mr. President!

  4. Those Euro-Cucks are not our allies. Good Lord, France hasnt had a backbone since the formation of NATO.

  5. 11:54. And now we get to drop a nuke on them any time now. Makes sense.

    1. Yes bc THEY would have done it to us under the Traitor Obama who wants mass muslim world domination

  6. Thank you Trump Maxine waters just pulled her James brown wig Off.


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