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Friday, May 11, 2018

Bill Nye the Science Guy Touts Planned Parenthood As Antidote To Overpopulation

Comedian Bill Nye gave a talk at Planned Parenthood on Tuesday night in which he suggested that keeping the population level to a minimum is the best way to roll back the scourge of global warming.

Exploding population levels are driving climate change, Nye said at a Planned Parenthood event in South Texas. One of the best ways to quell that problem, he added, is to find an effective way to prevent women from having children. He went on to applaud the group for their efforts.

“What’s the one thing to do about climate change, if you want to think about the big picture? Raise the standard of living of girls and women,” he said, adding that “when you raise the standard of living of girls and women, they have fewer kids.” The abortion provider also sold $5,000 tickets to people interested having lunch with the comic.

Nye, who has a degree in mechanical engineering but is not a scientist, also heaped praise on Planned Parenthood for its efforts at tackling overpopulation. “The thing that gets me about the time that I grew up in and the time we’re living in now,” he said, “is how fast things have changed, and Planned Parenthood has been here since the very beginning.”



  1. Right! Planned Parenthood has been around a long time participating in the murder of innocent babies and then selling their body parts for financial gain.

  2. Mandatory sterilization following second state-funded abortion could be an eye opener as well.

  3. Let's let Bill Nye choose who breeds and who doesn't.

  4. I used to like him before he became political.
    Didn't realize he was such a liberal jerk!

  5. Why doesn't HE leave?

    Mr Bob

  6. If you are on public assistance, or public housing, you should get sterilized. Taxpayers are already paying for you, we don't need more of your kind to feed! We need mandatory sterilization for those people.


  7. Bill is an actor with an engaging persona. But then he began to think his personal opinions had value and were worth spouting; turns out he was wrong and now all of his endeavors are being scrutinized more closely.

    Failed experiment, Bill.


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