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Tuesday, May 08, 2018

Arrest Kerry for Collusion With Islamic Terror States

Restore the rule of law, treat Kerry like Manafort and Flynn.

On January 19, 2017,
John Forbes Kerry left his job at the State Department. Addressing Foggy Bottomers in the C Street lobby, he ended his speech by declaring, "This is not an end. This is a beginning. It’s a new beginning." That’s just what departing politicos usually say, but he meant it.

Next January, a report appeared that Kerry had met with a top negotiator for the PLO in London.

The secret back-channel negotiator, Hussein Agha, was a close confidant of terrorist dictator Mahmoud Abbas, the racist PLO boss who around this same time had delivered a speech in which he cursed President Trump, shouting, “May your house be destroyed.” Agha was a frequent collaborator with Robert Malley, who allegedly ran Soros and Obama’s back channel to Hamas. Obama fired Malley during the campaign, but once in office brought him back in a variety of roles including as a lead negotiator on the Iran Deal scam and the National Security Council’s point man for the Middle East. Malley now heads Soros’ International Crisis Group and continues undermining America and defending the Iran Deal.



  1. He has been an anarchist since he was in Viet Nam. Constantly teardown America like Hanoi Jane. Needs to be shot for treason.

  2. What about Hillary and the Podesta brothers. When Manafort was charged it was discovered the Podesta brothers, Podesta Group, did the same thing in the same time frame but they closed up shop and nothing else was said. Hillary colluded on the uranium deal with Russia which also included the Podesta's.


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