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Tuesday, May 01, 2018

Accident On Rt. 50 & Sixty Foot Road In Pittsville Again (right now)


  1. Yep, I passed it on the way to work at 8... Not sure what happened but a car hit a truck in the bad side part...

  2. Wasn't the SHA supposed to be doing something about this intersection?

  3. If they're going to do something about it, maybe now, before summer, would be a good time.

  4. Until drivers learn to operate in a safe manner these headlines can stay up top.
    Before you criticize this statement, think a moment. Has anyone pissed you off each time you drive?

  5. Hello State Highway. What are the plans for this intersection and when will something be done?

  6. It does NOT matter what they do at this intersection...you can NOT fix INATTENTIVENESS, CARELESSNESS or STUPID!! Just look at other intersections/crossings along Rt 50 that ALREADY have a light that is having accident after accident.

  7. It's not a unsafe intersection. The drivers are at fault. You can't fix stupid.

  8. The simplest thing to do would be to close the crossing. There are other ways to get into and out of Pittsville. Although the public would complain, it would be a good experiment to see if the other crossings are just as dangerous.

  9. How about closing the intersection for 4 months and see if the accident rate increases at other intersections.


  10. Drivers crossing 50 are to blame.

    That said, Rt 50, westbound in particular, is very busy at times and drivers get impatient waiting for an opening to cross. They misjudge and an accident happens. That's it in a nutshell.

  11. It's hard for those crossing 50 to judge the speed of those on 50. It can be anywhere between 55 and 85 most days. Before you know it, the 70mph and above vehicles are on you.

    1. I doubt that speed of traffic on 50 is the main cause of accidents. My guess is that people cross 50 with no sense of urgency.


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