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Sunday, May 13, 2018

A Wicomico County Man Is Wounded After Charging At Police With A Knife Early This Morning

(SALISBURY, MD) – A Wicomico County man was wounded this morning after charging at police with a knife early this morning.

The Wicomico County man is identified as Justin Marshall, 38, of the 200 block of Hall Drive in Salisbury. He is undergoing treatment for gunshot wounds at the Peninsula Regional Medical Center. Marshall will remain under police guard at the hospital. Criminal charges against him are pending.

At about 1:15 a.m. this morning, troopers from the Salisbury Barrack were dispatched for a welfare check to the 200 block of Hall Drive in Salisbury. Marshall’s mother, who lives at the residence, requested police assistance to help transport her son to the hospital. She told police that when she attempted to transport her son to the hospital earlier, he jumped out of the vehicle and ran away, eventually returning to their residence on Hall Drive.

When troopers arrived to the scene, Marshall had fled the residence. The troopers patrolled the area to look for Marshall, but were unable to locate him. Troopers advised Marshall’s mother to call police when he returned.

Shortly before 2:30 a.m. this morning, Marshall returned to the home. About five minutes later, troopers arrived back on the scene and encountered Marshall in the front yard with a knife. Without warning, Marshall charged the troopers while making verbal threats with an upraised knife in his hand.

The troopers gave several verbal commands for Marshall to drop the knife. Marshall continued to charge at them.

In fear for their lives, both troopers discharged their department-issued .40 caliber Glock handguns. Both troopers immediately rendered aid and called for emergency medical service personnel. There were no other injuries reported at the scene.

Maryland State Police Homicide Unit and Internal Affairs Unit investigators are conducting an investigation into the police involved shooting. Police are also consulting with the Wicomico County State’s Attorney’s Office.

State troopers from the Salisbury Barrack and investigators from the Criminal Enforcement Division Lower Shore Region responded to the scene. Crime scene technicians responded to process the scene for evidence. Deputies from the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office also responded to assist.


  1. I just do not understand. They already knew he was unstable. Does anyone own a taser? IMO what they did was wrong. There was no need to shoot him when other options are available.

    1. Taser barbs dont always stick. They dont go in, they dont work. This is why we need to revamp mental health care in America

    2. Moron you don't taser a person charging you with a knife. It the TaSer misses or barbs don't make proper contact your dead and the monster gets your gun.I no your just trolling to cause disruption but seriously?! C' mon man!

    3. Thank you 1pm. So glad to see some here with common sense. 9:56am has watched too many libtard TV programs and confused fiction with reality.

  2. Mom called the cops because they were going to help?

  3. Well, here we go!

  4. They did help!!! Got this nutjob off the streets, at least for a few days!!!

  5. You live by the sword you die by the sword. Kudo's to the police.

  6. Tasers don't always stop people. Should they take a chance that it won't stop him and risk losing their lives? Of course not. Grow up. Charge the police with a weapon you run the risk of getting shot. Very simple equation.

  7. Be thankful this person was subdued 9:56. You may have been somewhere today and this one could walk up on you. Tasers are not always the answer. Stop Monday morning quarterbacking unless you witnessed something.

    Good job MSP troops.

  8. Fake news!!!! Cops don't render aid, they let you bleed out!!!!!

  9. The subject charged uniformed Police officers with a knife, Police are trained to react with force when confronted with a threat of this nature, Taser does not always work on people having these types of issues. A person with a knife can close the distance of 15 feet and stab / kill you before you can pull your weapon and fire it
    Sorry the guy got shot however the Police acted correctly
    9:56 take him home with you and give him a hug next time

  10. Are you kidding me he tried stabbing cops and you think they are going to respond with a taser. some people are just plain crazy. stick to your cushy day job

  11. It said he charged without warning. What would you do if someone charged at you with a knife intending to do you harm?

  12. So if someone charges you with a knife you would like to use a non-lethal device which does not work always? Makes total sense....

  13. Troopers don’t carry taser

  14. Some Troopers are going to be on Ticket detail for a yr ? Opppppps I forget that's there favorite thing

  15. Excellent work!

  16. If you come at someone with a lethal weapon, you get what you deserve. Should be thankful he's alive

  17. Dealing with a mentally ill family member is so very trying. Seeing your son shot is devastating

  18. You stupid people are always blaming the Police. I guess you don't know how quickly someone could stab you. The Police did the right thing. They want to go home to their families at the end of their shift too. They were only protecting themselves which is what they are supposed to do. It sounds like a good shoot to me. You should not be stupid enough to try and attack two Police officers. I am so sick and tired of everyone taking up for criminals and blaming the Police. If these criminals a lot of the time were not breaking the law in the first place they not find themselves in a confrontation with the Police. And yes I know this guy may have not been breaking any laws. But he might of wanted the Police to kill him. It's called suicide by cop.

  19. Charging police with a knife is ample reason to shot him.

  20. This is unbelievable. Two prepared, outfitted, tactical advantaged troopers have to shoot a knife wielding mentally unstable man returning to the assumed familiarity of his own home.
    Shame on you officers.

  21. Anonymous said...
    I just do not understand. They already knew he was unstable. Does anyone own a taser? IMO what they did was wrong. There was no need to shoot him when other options are available.

    May 7, 2018 at 9:56 AM

    Yeah, and what if the taser didn't work or bring him down, then we end up with dead police officers. Obviously you are a cop hating LIBTARD!

  22. Central did say the Salisbury PD said the scene was secure? And the farmin in charge sounded like he said a 16 year old male or 60? It didn't sound anything like a 38 year old male. That's why Farmin shouldn't be in charge of EMS scenes.

  23. No tasers.......having that information, what is the right action to take? And besides you dont fight a knife with a taser because you die from a stab would and therefore you fight back with a gun.

  24. I just do not understand why you people always blame the police officers. If I were in their shoes I would have pulled my pistol too. They have to get home to their families and any of you critics (956 and 1003) would most likely do the same if presented with the same situation.

    Have you seen a taser get used on a person on drugs and have no effect? I surely would not think twice if a guy with a knife is coming at me like that.

    This guy may have been mentally ill, but at that time of the morning and his Mom wanting him to go to the hospital it had to be drugs.

    They were nice about it, he is still alive.

  25. But if you ask Scott Brent, he would tell you the "pepper gun" is the end all to any situation to include this one.

    1. And pepper spray does not work on everybody, some will even laugh at the use of it!

  26. Before you second guess the police, look at Justin T. Marshall's arrest record.
    He has been charged, previously, with attempted murder, first degree assault, resisting arrest, burglary, drug distribution, etc.

  27. I know from personal experience back when I was police officer in the 1980's, most of us were more afraid of a knife attack than dealing with a gun. Until you frisk them, a knife can come from anywhere. Back then it was switchblades.

    Anyone who was mentally unstable or on substances like angel dust or just trying to break up a fight in a bar or a domestic dispute can get you killed.

    Someone running after you high on adrenaline with a knife, isn't going to stop for a taser or a billy club. Even shooting them and stopping their heart may not stop them from trying to kill you before they die. I've seen this first hand. I believe the officer was justified in shooting him.

  28. I just do not understand. They already knew he was unstable. Does anyone own a taser? IMO what they did was wrong. There was no need to shoot him when other options are available.

    May 7, 2018 at 9:56 AM

    Your right, You don't understand.

  29. If you love your family members, you never call the police to "help". Call your friends, neighbors, pastor/priest/rabbi/imam for help when someone is in distress.

    1. What? Put others lives in danger to hide the ugly truth? Calling the police is love. Had they not called he could been facing a murder charge. He is a danger to others, & his self.

    2. Very good advice!!! Nothing ever good comes from police being involved. It will only lead to ruined lives or some kind of damage somewhere. You gave great examples of people to call.

  30. No they were right and he is lucky they did not decide to kill him as many were and unjustly killed. Give credit were credit is due. IF this man is 38 then he has a history of this behavior and apparently his family cannot handle him. He is now at the point were he could harm or kill his parents or someone in that neighborhood or else where. Mental health is not always an excuse to disregard others and the law. Im willing to bet "mental health has always been his excuse/parents excuse to avoid consequences and now its really rearing its ugly head. Good work local law enforcement because they were well in there rights to put him out of his mental misery. If one knows how to do wrong, they can surely do right.

  31. I live in this neighborhood and he’s been a menace. The cops have been there multiple times over the years.

    1. Then, they, of all people knew what they were facing. Still too dumb to do anything but "gear up" to go shoot at fish in a tank

  32. 11:01....in Maryland, you would die.

    Your leaders and their armed enforcers MUCH prefer YOU get killed in that situation. THEY have guns in case that scenario unfolds on THEM.
    Two Sets of Laws.

    If it means anything, the Gestapo has just revised the form to record the details of your demise in a violent death.
    They want to make sure they get your death report correct.
    Your life? Your family?? Their future?
    It means less to them than a piece of trash they step over in a parking lot.
    Keep cheering.


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